Darwin the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life

6 months ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts: https://therealdrjudy.com/judy-mikovits-transcripts/)

Pastor Rob always says, "Judy put the cookies on the bottom shelf." And he said, "Judy, have you ever seen Darwin's thesis?" And I'm thinking of the subtitle, and I'm thinking, ... by natural selection, you know, and I'm thinking, okay, yeah. He said, No, no, not that one. And so this is a coffee-stained copy of his thesis. And what it says in the coffee stain is, "OR the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life." And I literally went: HA, of course, because it doesn't matter where you come from, we're one nation under God. Indivisible.
God transmits the signal of sunlight to the nucleus as one. Whether you live in Sweden and get NO molecules of light, half the winter, then your sensor on the surface of your cell, your antennae, the receptor, senses that and transmits the signal as 1000. If you live near the equator, you have a high melanin content of your skin, or even your genes before you became blue-eyed, if you're Cherokee indian like me, you transmit that signal at the genetic level. There's no such thing as autoimmunity, because the very central dogma, the central line -I don't like the word dogma - of all of molecular biology, is that the signal that is transmitted to the nucleus equals one in every human being…
Dr Judy Mikovits - 06/29/2024
Full presentation at the American Liberty Forum Of Ramona (alfor.org): https://rumble.com/v55enyc-dr-judy-mikovits-american-liberty-forum-of-ramona-june-29-2024.html

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