Illegal Immigrants Voting in the United States

2 months ago

Everything Comes Back To Barack Obama, 12 Million+ New Illegal Migrant Democrat Voters

“Susan Rice, former President Barack Obama's key advisor, is heading up the operation of tasking our federal agencies to actually get votes from illegal immigrants.”

“There's no doubt that this is the plan. It's to encourage these illegals to vote. They've given them phones. They connect them to Social Security numbers. They connect them to voting in these states. And their job, really, is to come here and vote. And they're putting them in the right places, the right states.”

“The reality is, it was the plan from the beginning, get these people here as fast as possible and get them voting”

“The Congresswoman is absolutely right and most states, only three states, actually have laws that require proof of citizenship. So the rest of us are exposed if they get a Social Security number and a driver's license, they're going to vote.”

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