Biden Admin Is Putting Illegal Migrants and Ukraine Refugees On Social Security

2 months ago

Put away all sharp objects before watching Janet-fucking Yellen gaslight the American people.

The Joe Biden Admin Is Putting Illegal Migrants & Ukraine Refugees On Social Security. Funds Are Low & Biden Has NO PLANS To Save The Program For Americans

“In the $4.5 trillion of taxes the president has proposed —not a dime, is going to shore up Social Security.”

A 24% decrease in social security check payments is projected in just 9 years

How could anyone vote Democrat at this point?

“The president keeps saying he does not wish to have cuts in social. Is he aware that under current law, when the program goes broke in nine years, that there will be a 24 percent benefit cut for those who are current recipients? Is he aware of that?

Well, it's clear that Social Security... But is he...

I apologize for interruption, but I have limited time. Is the president aware that when social goes broke in nine years, under current law, there's a 24 percent cut in benefits for people who are currently receiving.

If we don't do anything about it, I think that's about right.

Okay, let me ask.

But the president will want, wants to strengthen social security and make sure that doesn't happen.

In the $4.5 trillion of taxes the president has proposed, are any of those taxes going to shore up social security? I actually know that answer. The answer is of the $4.5 trillion in taxes he has proposed not a dime, is going to shore up Social Security. Does the president know personally anybody who is dependent upon Social Security, and if their benefits are cut by 24%, they will slide into poverty?

It's hard for you to know, so I'll give you a pass on that. I assure you that the president knows many people on Social Security.

Then why doesn't the president care?

He cares very deeply.

Then where is his plan?

He stands ready to work with Congress to address...

That's a lie, because when a bipartisan group of senators has repeatedly requested to meet with him about social, so that somebody who is a current beneficiary will not see her benefits cut by 24%, we have not heard anything on our request. And we've made multiple requests to meet with the president. Now you can't comment on that, I realize that, but that is a fact and if you've been told to say he stands ready to meet, I will tell you there's absolutely no evidence because we have not gotten our meeting.”

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