Reverse Autism! Amazing Kerri Rivera Family Autism Story.

7 months ago

The Amazing Kerri Rivera is at

Also See AutismOne: Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism Presentation, 2015

Mirrored From: Straight Talk on MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)

Book Title: Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism, By Kerri Rivera

A Must Listen. How to Use Chlorine Dioxide, Ketogenic Diet and Specific Supplements to Reverse Autism.

"As of this printing, families are healing their children with autism using this protocol in over 58 countries! Our Facebook groups have over 3,500 members in many of these countries. CD officially knows no borders. It is absolutely thrilling to us that people are coming together with the common goal of healing their children themselves, and to help others do the same! It fills our hearts with joy to be a part of this and to be able to see and feel the love that is shared every single day." ~ Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism, By Kerri Rivera

"In addition, I have found that in families who do these protocols together, the parents and grandparents also experience major health improvements or reversals of chronic disease, and I am now also consulting with adults who would like to incorporate these ideas to address long-standing health problems they may have." ~ Keri Rivera

"The book outlines the basis for my protocol at the time it was written. Much of the “bones” of the protocol are still the same, and this book provides the background and details many people look for when they are researching a health-promoting program for their families." ~ Keri Rivera

"However, since the time of publication, I have continued to work with people, research, ...and have found a few adjustments have improved results for many clients." ~ Keri Rivera

"There are many books, videos, blogs and articles using the name, “MMS,” which is surrounded by a fair amount of controversy. We choose to not get tangled into that debate since our focus is on helping our children recover from autism. For us, our only concern is that (1) it is safe for our children, and (2) that it works. Based on extensive use of CD on thousands of children with autism, we can confidently

say that both those statements are true. If this were not so, this book would not exist." ~ Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism, By Kerri Rivera

Mirrored From: Straight Talk on MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)

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