A Fierce Showdown Of Strength At A Local Aquarium

6 years ago

Not many sea creatures are as difficult to handle as the shrimp, a kind of lobster-looking crustaceans we love to salivate over at their first mention. They are equipped with two incredibly powerful legs called pereiopods, which they use to bash and pierce through the shell of their pray, like clams and crabs. Scientists say that certain shrimp species are known to punch with such speed that the surrounding water briefly heats to the temperature of the surface of the sun. They use their powerful legs bash everything, that is, everything up to and including the shrimp’s rivals.

Despite their small size, shrimp have a feisty character, especially when concerning ritualistic duels over territory. When two shrimp fight over land rights, they settle arguments by duel – hitting each other on the butt. These two shrimp in the video are engaged in just such a duel. The question that naturally arises after learning of the deadly power of the shrimp’s pereiopods is this: Why are these shrimps so gentle with each other? Why does this look more like a choreographed dance than a fierce fight over territory? The answer is simple.

Real fights in the animal kingdom are generally avoided, if you need a showdown it is best to signal your displeasure and potential for aggression to the rival by waving your legs. Any real aggression would mean death. Sparing does escalate into striking though, which, fortunately, did not happen in our video.

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