Living Fully Within the Present Moment

7 months ago

July 31 - Living Fully Within the Present Moment
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When you are living in the now, you are living in alignment with the loving mind of God. When you’re in alignment with the now, you are using and experiencing Love's expressions. Love’s expressions are many, such as forgiveness, generosity, compassion and trusting in the Divine. These are all energetic expressions of your true nature. When in alignment with your true nature, you will feel loving, balanced, safe, fulfilled, content and at peace. When you are feeling this way, it is because you are allowing God to flow through you. In essence, when you do so, you are representing the divine on Earth. Thanks to free will, the choice to align with the divine or not is always yours to make. Every moment offers you this opportunity — to choose in alignment with your true loving essence and nature or the ego’s past judgment-centric fear-based programs.

Today, let us learn to recognize when we are living in the now and when we are not. Using any of Love’s expressions is a sign that we are one with the present moment. Any expression that seems to be in opposition to Love’s expressions is a sign that we are out of alignment with the now. Peace of mind, joy, forgiveness, compassion and trust in the Divine, all expressions of Love, are signs that we are in the now, thinking in alignment with the mind of God. If we are lacking these expressions in any moment, it is not because we are unworthy of them. It is because we are valuing the ego’s past programs more than the now. When you find yourself out of alignment with the now, there is no need judge yourself or others. Simply recognize that you are somewhere you do not belong, gently forgive and dismiss your past programming, then return to the now and at one with the loving mind of God, choose again.
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