Forbidden History: the knights of the temple of Solomon ,part 1

7 months ago

Forbidden History: the knights of the temple of Solomon,

the knights templar are devil worshippers, and they still exist.
They want to rebuild the temple of Solomon to summon and control demons.

Baphomet,seals of solomon,black magic,treasure hunting,old world cia,modern israel,third temple,temple of solomon,jews,money lenders,Jaques de Molay,friday 13th, satan worship,jinn,demons,dark angels,Jerusalem,poor knights of christ,knights templar,catholic,crusades,murder,genocide,pillaging,pilgrims,warrior,monk,satanic,evil,middle ages,pope,papacy,econimic crisis,loosing empire,invasion,colonization,semetic magic,semetic wisdom,Palestine,ancient widsom,demonology

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