Exodus Propulsion...Key Stone or Tread Stone?

7 months ago

Talking about the fascinating propulsion tech that's related to Zero Point Energy systems in basically using the side effect of a ZPE dynamo to generate static charge propulsion using a very simple prototype that's been released from a national security hold for years. Yes, the same national security holds that have suppressed water powered cars, ultra-efficient fuel consumption modifications, geomagnetic dynamos and of course Zero Point Energy systems. So why now? Why allow this awesome invention to be disclosed to the public when it clearly has components related to ZPE, as its effect is the same as the side effect ZPE systems produce. This technology is critically important to our movement through space for exploration and colonization but what has or will occur that's triggered the government's voluntary release of this tech? Could this be related to the aerospace industry whistleblowers? Could this signal the end of the strategically utilized tech plateau against the World, but especially the Western World? Any which way, there's a virtually infinite number of paths branching from this release and opportunities that can make up for our lost time from establishment tech suppression. If you're interested in space, exploring the solar system and the long or short-term(relative obviously) necessity of Off-World Exoplanetary Exploration and Settlement, then this is definitely for you. We have a corner puzzle piece now and its opening up amazing opportunities and possibly signaling something incredible not far ahead.

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