2024 Candidate Forum of 3 Lake County, FL Republican candidates for State Committeemen

8 months ago

During every Presidential election cycle, Lake County, FL voters get to vote on one male, and one female Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) State Committeeman and Committeewoman to represent Lake County Republicans in the RPOF.
Three male candidates, Charles Benoit, Ralph Smith & Jonathan Germeroth, are running for the Lake County Republican Party State Committeeman position and described their experience in politics and reasons why Lake County, FL Republicans should vote for them at this April 26, 2024 "Coffee with the Candidates" event in Tavares, FL.

Each candidate introduced themselves for 3 minutes, then written audience questions at the Republican Party Headquarters in Tavares, FL were asked of each candidate.
At 38 minutes, Smith & Germeroth had to leave, while Chuck Benoit stayed to explain more reasons why he should get the vote.

Video by Vance Jochim of FiscalRangers.com
See all our local Lake County, FL Conservative videos of candidates, etc at our Rumble.com Channel - search on FiscalRangers.

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