Dr. Phil – China’s Secret Plan to Control America – CCP Video Details How to Enter US Illegally

2 months ago

***MUST SEE*** The CCP provides a Step by Step, How To Video about how to to first get to China and then to Guatemala, then Mexico and exactly how to enter the USA.

America is swiftly but quietly being infiltrated by the CCP of China. The CCP is attempting to control our food supply, controlling our railways, polluting our water, stealing our data, influencing our technology, not allowing free speech as they are taking over Universities, controlling our medical industry and spying on our military.

What is scary is that supposedly Obama just handed them military codes and secrets and electrical grid information (not in this video).

If they have the information in which they could just hack our electric grid they could turn out the lights whenever they choose.

China is using TikTok as a propaganda news source. Over 50% of tiktok members get their news from Tiktok. You cannot trust much of what is coming from Ticktock and have to be artful at discerning truth.

China – CCP - put up a video on Tiktok that says “The Routing Strategy to the Beautiful Country” which is a step by step, how to video that walks people through on getting to China and then getting to American soil. It goes into great detail on which flights to take, which buses to take, and where to connect with human smugglers that will aid them entering the country.

Then it’s reproduction time. Have as many children as possible.

There isn’t just one of these videos, there are many with great detail on how to get to the “Beautiful Free Country.”

They may be surprised in about 10 years on how beautiful and free this country is.

China is doing everything to destroy America from Within. Without firing a single shot and they freaking control OUR NEWS. It’s all propaganda. This is what must change or we are toast here in the US.

There are so many stupid reporters who actually believe the scripts they read are true news. It’s just unbelievable the stupidity of these idiots. True Journalism is not even allowed anymore and everything has to be approved from “higher ups.”

We are on a rapid decline and we need to begin to speak out and call some of these pawns out. Yes, these local anchors are some very nice people but they are sellouts – they are paid decent and it’s easy to ignore what’s right in front of you when you are content and high on the hog – just ask the medical industry – they were the most obedient of all following Nazi orders and believing they were for the “health” of the people. Imbeciles.

These illegals can get from China to the United States faster than I can receive two pairs of hiking shoes I ordered on May 12, 2024 from China. It’s f*cking ridiculous.

Sh*t, they probably can have a woman a month knocked up before I receive my shoes.

Here is the Tracking of Shipment, just for proof:

It took over 18 days just be in transit. Ordered May 12th, 2024 - received an email that said it would be here by June 2, 2024, it didn't even arrive to a Chinese Post office until June 2nd. Such B.S.

In Transit (40 Days)

2024-07-06 13:06
US, sorted and loaded for the final leg of transportation., 邮件国际运输经转中, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-07-02 16:12
US, Delivery from regional distribution centers to destination warehouses, 邮件国际运输经转中, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-28 15:36
US, transported from the port to a regional distribution center., 邮件国际运输经转中, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-25 15:21
US, The item is currently in transit to the destination.邮件在境内运转【转运中】, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-20 18:00
US, 完成海关清关【清关完成】,Customs clearance completed, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-16 13:42
US,到达境外【进口海关留存待验】,The import customs keep it for inspection, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-13 14:03
US,到达境外海关,Customs clearance is in progress, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-10 18:56
SHANGHAI,The airlines are shipping,转运境外目的地【航空公司启运】, 启运【SHANGHAI】

2024-06-08 12:08
SHANGHAI,The goods are being cleared through customs【清关中】, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-07 17:37
SHANGHAI,Leave processing center, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-06 13:11
SHANGHAI,Arrive at processing center, 快件在该国内转运中

2024-06-05 11:13

2024-06-04 18:38

2024-06-03 18:51
温州离开【温州处理中心】,下一站【上海处理中心】,Departed from post office, 快件离开处理中心【温州】

2024-06-02 18:21
温州到达【温州处理中心】,Arrived to post office, 干线中转

2024-05-30 18:59
温州市, 中国邮政 已收取邮件

I don’t even know if I will ever receive my hiking boots and have no clue about the quality and sure am not going to order again.

Our immigration laws are so f*cked up. If a State Trooper in Texas catches an illegal, they are going back but if border control catches them and they say they are seeking Asylum, they will be processed, given a court date, and they will be offered a free plane flight to wherever they desire to go. These “Sanctuary Cities.” But almost every city is a sanctuary city now.

Some just have these scumbag, idiotic mayors that are promoting it.

We have to get some type of a grip on this as it is a major problem, some of these illegal immigrants have no clue on American laws and some are just very bad people and of course some are likely hypnotized to be Manchurian Candidates.

What do we do when the top leaders of our Government agencies are in on this sh*t?

It takes them one month to get from Kyrgyzstan (country adjacent to China) to America. That is much faster than it takes the postal service to send a pair of shoes that has to go through TONS of Security checks, but people can bypass this.

We are in such a f*cked up situation. Thanks to the Bush’s, Clinton’s, Obama and I don’t know if Trump is just stupid or what, but he didn’t do anything to help the situation besides building a wall which can also keep us in, how about just ENFORCING the Law or changing the laws to actually punish immigrants instead of rewarding them.

We are being played by every crook the deep state dishes out and we keep hoping they will give us an honest politician.

We don’t even get to choose a candidate, they do that for us too.

This country is going to be so different in 25 years. It will be just like the countries all these immigrants are fleeing from.

That is the plan though. Move the Power from the USA to China and it is well on the way with BRICS all set up and other countries abandoning the Petrodollar.

I don’t think people realize how bad of shape we are in.

It just takes ONE person with some serious ill-intent to do a LOT of damage to America.

We have our state Governments in on the plan, for example, good ole Gavin Newsome of California set aside $1.2 Billion to help the illegals, while their have been homeless needing help living on the streets.

What the hell is going on and why are people allowing this?

These illegals enter our country illegally and they get a new cell phone, a plane ride to the city of their choice and then they apply for the benefits that are set aside just for them.

Our idiotic corrupt government which is bowing down to China’s wishes take these illegal immigrants on a free plane ride, without any ID to anywhere in the United States. We can’t even board a plane without ID.

This is f*cking CRAZY.

You get these idiots like FBI director Christopher Wray who says there is no threat like China, but yet he is just a Puppet to the Chinese Plan.

What do we do? It should have been done in the 1960’s.

George Bush Sr. is one guy that should have NEVER been allowed in any power position, the Bush’s are an evil family and the CIA needed to be completely dissolved back in the 70’s.

I wonder how America would look like without the Bush’s because George Sr. was in on the destruction plan from day one.

Then you have the Chinese buying land everywhere. They have the Morning Star Ranch – Morning Star – the Eastern Star – The Devils Star – the star of LUCIFER.

This will go right over peoples heads who think nothing of it.

The Morning Star Ranch is the Chinese Headquarters in South Texas and it’s between Laughlin Air Force Base and the US Border. How convenient.

This is a war right now and we are not fighting or even defending.

Oh China, wants to control America – that’s fine, come on in.

People need to wake up to what is going on.

A Communist Term we need to be aware of: Psychopolitics – the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through ‘mental healing.’ This is a Long-Term plan to brainwash, demoralize & thereby destroy the entire nation.

According to KGB Agent – Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov – “to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community and their country.”

Dr. Phil concludes: “We need immigrants in this country, I would just kind of like to know who they are.” “This country was built on immigrants, the difference was when that originally happened we weren’t a welfare state and everybody that came here, had to work really hard.”

To conclude: They want control of everything, especially food, water and medicine. They can contaminate all of this to make us weak, ill and disabled which makes us vulnerable for the takeover.

Source: Dr. Phil Primetime -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krtSHhTDB1M

***Related Videos:

1. What is Going on at the Southern Border Right Now?


2. The Plan to Genocide the White European Race of America – The Immigration Invasion


3. ***Dr. Phil – China's Economic Takeover of America – Who Owns Our Land?

4. Eva Vlaardingerbroek – Dutch Politician – Scary Speech – “Welcome to the New World Order” -- An Immigration Plan to Perfection



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END. 7/11/2024 -- 3:00 PM


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