The Truth & Science of “Gratitude” in Cancer

7 months ago

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This is not your typical video touting the benefits of gratitude nor is it for the faint of heart, as Dr. Lisa gets on a real level with you, and then gets real scientific. Is it ever appropriate to mention gratitude to a cancer patient? A meta-analysis on gratitude that chose 56 studies of gratitude to study, are overviewed in this video along with a few brief honorable mentions of other pioneers or experts in this field. Perhaps if you have the science you can make a better educated and empowered decision for yourself! And any treatment you decide to do, has increased power when it is something that you chose and that you believe in.


Day G, Robert G, Rafferty AM. Gratitude in Health Care: A Meta-narrative Review. Qual Health Res. 2020 Dec;30(14):2303-2315. doi: 10.1177/1049732320951145. Epub 2020 Sep 13. PMID: 32924863; PMCID: PMC7649920.

Other studies mentioned are referenced in the above.

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"You Are The Placebo" by Dr. Joe Dispenza

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