14 Minesweeper Variants 2 Episode 7 - Flowers

8 months ago

I finish the last 8x8 encrypted board and move on to the next variant: flowers. I finish 11 of those boards, so there will only be one more next time before moving on to the variant after that.

14 Minesweeper Variants 2 Series:
Previous Episode: https://rumble.com/v55xemk-14-minesweeper-variants-2-episode-6-encrypted.html
Next Episode: https://rumble.com/v565kiy-14-minesweeper-variants-2-episode-8-modulo-and-bridge.html
Episode 1 (with links to all other episodes): https://rumble.com/v5529im-14-minesweeper-variants-2-episode-1-horizontal-cross-and-connected.html

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