Barry Young vs Auckland University CDC Data Collection

7 months ago

Barry Young NZ Health worker & whistle blower for mass vaccine coverups of deaths & injuries is seen here in court being unvestigated & charged? So why isnt Helen Petousis-Harris & her Team of Auckland University, being arrested, investigated & charged for accepting Bribery money from USA CDC Fauci Gates $8million dollars? Wheres the money gone & the Data reported of deaths & injuries? Was Wellington protest a distraction when Auckland University instructed Jacinda & Ashley Bloomfield to lock down NZ? They were paid to monitor Vaccines, wheres the Data Reports? Is there a coverup going on? NZ Auckland University leads CDC USA covid vaccine guineapig research monitoring data collection study - reporting the murder & injuring 200k NZers by America CDC & its GCSB intellifence nazi partners. USA invaded 17 nations under covid19 patent of Richard A Rothchilds registered to USA SEC. Covid19 is a mass LandGrab transfer of NZers private estates raided by these treasonous War criminals. USA DEBT is $43Trillion they are bankrupt & loaned from China:
Helen Petousis-Harris WHO member, Meldina Gates nazi puppet, Austalasia Immunisation Pedo:
New Zealand leads the worlds Largest Ever Vaccine Study?? Auckland university got $8million from USA CDC to lead a WHO vaccine report program here under Arderns govt.
Antony Fauci nazi CDC uses NZ Maori as guinea pig program science surveillance hiding a vaccine estate raid by SECURITY bonds & stocks. Covid19 is a real estate landgrab crime against humanity:

NZ Auckland University leads CDC USA covid guineapig research monitoring data collection study - reporting the murder & injuring 200k NZers by America & its GCSB nazi partners. USA invaded 17 nations hiding a LandGrab transfer after $43Trillion DEBT:

Helen Petousis-Harris WHO member, Meldina Gates nazi puppet, Austalasia Immunisation Pedo:

Winston Peters says he never speaks to Ardern after he was sleeping while Horse Jaws was media dictating orders? Come on please? It's great Final Recognition from somewhere but why isnt Chris Luxton & David Seymour not included in this staged interview, pakeha??

Sean Plunkett interview with psychopath nazi Vaccinologist Helen Petousis-Harris from Australia WHO-Pfizer directly involved in Lockdowns & instructing NZ under seige Petousis is a Psychopath murderer paid $8million by CDC:
July 10th 2024:
$16 Million more NZ Dollars to Ukraine & $4 million towards Drone Weapons. A TOTAL $130 Million NZ Dollars. Traitor AMERICAN Contracted NZ Politician Puppets like Dirty Luxton visting USA & attending a Nato meeting in Washington DC. This behaviour calls for DISSOLVING PARLIAMENT:
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