Documents Reveal German Government and Health Ministry Knew Coronavirus Was Less Dangerous Than Flu

7 months ago

07/07/2024 Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: German microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: Documents released two months ago from the Robert Koch Institute show that the authorities, the Ministry of Health and the German government all knew that the new coronavirus was not very dangerous. In fact, it was less dangerous than the common flu. Therefore, there never had been any necessity to develop a vaccine in the first case.
#Germangovernment #MinistryofHealth #SucharitBhakdi #RKI #newcoronavirus

07/07/2024 德国微生物学家苏查瑞·巴克迪博士:两个月前从罗伯特·科赫研究所曝光的文件显示,主管机构、卫生部以及德国政府都知道,新冠病毒的危险性不大。事实上,其危险性低于普通流感。因此,从一开始就根本没必要研制疫苗。
#德国政府 #卫生部 #苏查瑞·巴克迪 #罗伯特·科赫研究所 #新冠病毒

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