i'm far more interested in what people aren't paying attention to

7 months ago

beautiful sunset ain't it
no me n judson did not get back together
this apt is so nice there's a pool on the roof
is that bruce lee
breathtaking view up here
this is nashville tn right here
train, drops of jupiter...i always hated that song but now songs are waaaay more degenerate so i can't hardly complain about it anymore
always been lost in the scenery
oh hey look there's my favorite thing in the world
can you guys talk, i apparently cannot
i just ramble i suppose
whatever the fuck that is smells amazing
i refuse to believe that everything is doomed
i am too cynical/conspiratorial for my own good sometimes
if you don't agree w/ the rest of this channel i'm almost positive that you'd agree w/ that last statement

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