International Public Notice: Regarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts" By Anna Von Reitz

8 months ago

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Article 4927 Video - International Public Notice: Regarding "Gold Revaluation Accounts" - Sunday, July 7, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Also called "off ledger accounts" the "gold revaluation accounts" being held by banks are their hedge funds against the day when the delusion of the Federal Reserve Notes and EUROs can no longer be maintained.

This is the "back end" of the Federal Reserve scheme, the means they intended to ultimately profit from, ever since their first meeting at Jekyll Island.

The idea, part of a "Hundred Year Plan" that included multiple government corporation bankruptcies, is simple.

Take everyone off the gold standard and the silver standard, hoard the bullion and coinage in "off ledger accounts" that the banks can see as "private holdings" ---pretend that these "holdings" belong to unknown depositors, claim them via claims on abandonment benefiting the banks, wait for deflation and inflation to eat away the fiat currencies and run up the "value" of gold, then cash in.

That is, they used a simple hedge-fund approach on a macro-economic scale, and are counting on the increase in the perceived value of "their" gold and silver hedge fund holdings, to more than compensate for the loss of value of the fiat currencies.

Only it's not their gold and not their silver in these "revaluation accounts". A good portion of it belongs to the actual land and soil jurisdiction governments, and far more belongs to private trusts and mining companies and others who have been bypassed, conveniently side-stepped, and attacked by turns.

The bankers anticipate being able to sell the gold and silver back to the grandsons and granddaughters of the people they stole it from, at anywhere between $2500 and $10,000 "dollars" per ounce of gold, and eventually anywhere between $1800 and $6500 per ounce of silver, once the gold market plays out.

We are just now entering the "target range" for the "collapse" of these investments and the beginning sell-offs of profit-taking related to these plans put in place over 100 years ago.

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