BMC #68 The Real Rick Ross Documentary…

5 months ago

BMC #68
The Real Rick Ross Documentary…

I Made This Documentary For You All To See The Truth & Learn From My Mistake. I Never Knew How Valuable An Education Was Until I Went To Prison.

The biggest & most famous drug dealers in America's history. Freeway Rick Ross is now a free man after receiving a life sentence but only serving
over 20 years in federal prison for the sales and distribution of drugs.
Like over half of those incarcerated. Rick was illiterate until he was 28. He learned how to read in prison and became a jailhouse lawyer, eventually winning an appeal to get his sentence reduced.

Today his mission is to teach literacy-reading, writing, financial, and media-to those whom educators find the hardest to reach. He acknowledges the terrible damage crack created, especially In African American communities, and he is now trying to give back.

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