What is the Afterlife Like? -- Channeling Erik – Elisa Medhus & Michelle Gray

7 months ago

After we pass, we are met by loved ones, we have a life review and then go through a cleansing process to remove the “scars” from life on Earth.

We can visit our loved ones on Earth and help guide them.

Fun things to do in the Spirit World: You can meet with anyone you desire. You can help those on Earth who are awakening and many times spirit will help you in your dreams.

Evidently you can hang out with Jesus and do things that you could do on Earth.

Everything is SENSED through Vibration and it is not Physical Senses. Color has vibration and everything has voice or a vibration.

When you get the chills or get that gut feeling, that is how it is in heaven.

How long to become aware of all past lives? It is a process and usually doesn’t happen all at once, but child and baby souls are aware much quicker because there is not the Earthly Baggage.

Emotions are remembered but are not really felt in the afterlife. Grief has a bitter vibration to it. When you have anger towards someone, it is the most bitter energy to hold on to and it will decay your body. Anger is the most TOXIC of energy.

They can attach to the positive emotions.

Is there a home base in the after world? Evidently there are cities and lakes – they can get together and have fun.

You can create whatever you want.


Channeling Erik – This Video -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iWzV0pcvgM

Channeling Erik – Watch Part 1 here → https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVzLLN-0oxg

Michelle Gray -- https://thehealingh-art.com

The Healing H-Art -- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCilngWK9upKY0MnbShznuqw/videos


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END. 7/10/2024 – 6:00 PM


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