BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 7/8/2024 Election Crisis and Human Trafficking Expose

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10am Marley Hornik and Tim Vetter with United Sovereign Americans will be presenting the Michigan Report Card - an assessment on how well the States did in accomplishing an honest standard in elections
Marly Hornik, USA CEO, worked as volunteer Director of New York Citizens Audit since 2021, analyzing the conduct of elections in New York State. She assembled an outstanding team of 2,000 volunteers, including PhDs, mathematicians, programmers, election experts, and simply devoted Americans. Their work has been peer reviewed and published. She then started United Sovereign Americans (USA) whose teams have uncovered massive irregularities in the voter rolls, discrepancies in the vote count, suspected illegal editing of voter records, and indications of an apparent algorithmic manipulation of many state voter rolls in the US.
Tim Vetter Bio - I am Tim Vetter, a Manufacturing Equipment Engineer for the automotive industry in Michigan. I was very active in World Class Technology as the pillar co-chair for Digital Manufacturing Validation. I use data and some of the latest digital technology to solve complex process and equipment layout design issues.
I use real time production data to troubleshoot and validate the throughput, part quality, and general health of equipment. I also use data to accurately and virtually fit 3-D models of equipment prior to installation. At work all decisions made are data driven. If source data is not accurate, the company could be wasting millions of dollars. As we say, NO data is better than WRONG data.
What is the value of timely, accurate election data? What is the value of your vote? What is the value of your freedom?
Since the fraud-ridden November 2020 election, I volunteer using my data-mining and analysis skills for many election integrity organizations. The QVF vote history data manipulation we have uncovered, and continue to discover, is clear indisputable evidence of wrongful activity.
Election integrity should NOT be a partisan issue. It is an American national security issue that we should all embrace and defend no matter who manages our election systems.

11am Migrant Crisis and Human Trafficking - Melissa Fryzel is an Independent political activist and Member of the Holy Orthodox Order of Saint George the Great Martyr, an international, independent, confraternal, religious, lay, pan-Orthodox order of Christian chivalry. She was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas, now living in Seguin, Texas after a five-year residence in Taos, NM. Melissa holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and Sociology, from the University of Texas Permian Basin and is a student of Orthodox Studies with the Pastoral School of the Diocese of Chicago & Mid-America.

Melissa’s career breakdown is as follows:

Independent activist and mission worker 2021-2024
Data Manager and Legislative Analyst from 2019-2021 for the New Mexico GOP
State Senate Candidate for New Mexico District 8 for 2020
International Supply Chain and Data Analytics from 2005-2019

Watch on BNN:

Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter, Marley Hornik, Tim Vetter, Melissa Fryzel

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