WELCOME AND INTRODUCTION TO..._...Break Through The Religious Crap

8 months ago

Welcome to my channel. Here is the Introduction video. Apostle Paul also referred to "the religious crap" he had to break through...read Philippians Ch 2, except he called it "dung" in the KJV.

I don't like being duped. I suspect you don't too. So, I am attempting to provide a deep cleansing doctrinal and religious traditions enema for Christians who are duped into falsely believing they are saved when they are not...BECAUSE of all the doctrinal crap they have been eating in Christianity.

Welcome to the Religious De-Crapping channel: Break Through The Religious Crap. Here is hope for real salvation for you who break through the Religious Crap disguised as Christianity.
- Toby Sweet (tobysweet881@gmail.com)

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