The Chinese Authority Deploys Loose Sand to Seal Breach On Levee Of Dongting Lake

5 months ago

07/05/2024 SET News Channel,SETN: In China, a frontline levee in the Dongting Lake area faced a breach crisis on July 5th. The authorities deployed two dredging vessels to fortify and seal the breach with loose sand. Later, they asked the military to dispatch a large number of trucks loaded with sand and gravel to carry out a suicidal mission, directly filling the breach. But the attempt to seal the breach failed. The gap widened from 10 meters to 150 meters. The public questions whether using river sand to fill the breach was a natural disaster or a man-made calamity.
#Breach #ManMadeCalamity #DongtingLake
07/05/2024 三立新闻台:中国洞庭湖的一线堤防在7月5日出现溃堤危机,当局动用两艘抽砂船抽散沙封堵决堤口,后又请军方出动一大批载运砂石的卡车执行自杀任务来填堵决堤口。但封堵失败,决堤口从10米扩大到150米。民间质疑用河沙堵决堤口到底是天灾还是人祸。
#决堤口 #人祸 #洞庭湖

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