African Farmer Battles BBC Racists

7 months ago

BBC sinks to new lows in "reporting" in a smear campaign aimed at a Kenyan subsistence farmer hoping to lift Africans out of poverty. Jusper Machugo starts a small on-line campaign raising awareness of the poverty of Africa. His wish list includes things like tap water, electricity and farm equipment. But since tractors use fossil fuels, the BBC's climate reporter does a smear campaign against Machugo (on the BBC website, Apple podcasts, Twitter and Facebook!) denouncing him as the leader of climate change deniers, inventing a conspiracy theory that he's a stooge for big oil. It's a racist approach as ultimately reporter Marco Silva objects to Africans having what's basic in the west. It's a colonizing attitude that objects to Africans expressing an opinion that counters the BBC's narrative.

This video highlights the BBC's same deceptive techniques seen in the video series "Fake News Propaganda Master Class": guilt by association, scapegoats, straw men and ad hominem attacks, out of context photos and graphics, non-sequiturs and serious errors of omission. The video also deals with net zero activists including Machugo's critics on X and notable enviro-globalists WEF-lord Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates. Ultimately, BBC and the net- zero crowd are exposed for their hateful racist extremism. They rather have Africans living in abject poverty than relax their extremist ideology.

Acknowledgements: videos from Jusper Machugo @juspermachugo on X and
Carbon t-shirt from Wide Awake Clothing
Climate The Movie: The Cold Truth produced by Tom Nelson
Bill Gates "How To Avoid A Climate Disaster", 2021

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