Sin Consciousness - 1

7 months ago

By the work that Jesus did on the cross, Christians have been made free and given an abundant life. But, many Christians live way below that possibility – they live under a constant cloud of guilt and shame and regrets that comes from a sin consciousness. This teaching will show you the 3 foundational truths you need to be set truly free.

In Hebrews 10, the author contrasts the old sacrificial system with the new system of grace. He explains how the old system forced people to be conscious of their sins all the time because animal sacrifices were not able to actually remove sin from the account of the sinner. But, the work of Jesus allowed the stain of sin to actually be removed from the sinner. Then, Jesus makes us His righteousness, makes us holy (that is what sanctified means), and makes us blameless and innocent. The work that Jesus does was designed to actually cleanse our conscience and make us free from sin consciousness so we can live a life in which we feel innocent, not guilty.

This teaching explains all that, but it also explains just exactly what sin is and when sin is imputed or charged to our accounts. You may be surprised to discover that many things you did in your life that were against God’s Law did not actually count against you as sin.

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