What do Hitler and the Covid-19 Pandemic Share in Common?

7 months ago

Saying “HITLER HAS KILLED 20,000 JEWS” was once called MISINFORMATION. Back then, many doctors, priests, lawyers, and well meaning citizens of the great Christian nation called Germany all agreed that this was indeed misinformation. That is, until Hitler eliminated 6 million Jews and many others. So what side will you be on when the truths about these mRNA Vaccines finally unfolds to everyone on planet earth? The right side or the wrong side? It’s easy to be misled by the phrase “What we knew at the time” when in reality, there was enough known as of May 2020 to have avoided our deadly silence about these mRNA. Some knew all along and warned us that - the efficacy claims of Pfizer and Moderna were fraudulent, that the mRNA vaccine safety claims were lies, and that the US healthcare industry policymakers catered only to the needs of a few rather than the people they were supposed to serve. That it was bioweaponry in its finest hour about to be unleashed on an unsuspecting world?

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