New Zealanders USED as USA CDC & Auckland Uni Vaccine Report Plan

2 months ago

This is a news report & educational video sharing information. Damien LaMente has shared & exposeed the Criminal Cartel USA medicql military industrial complex which must include Bill Gates, Google-Darpa-FB-Pfizer profit making parasites. Auckland university neonazi degrees are Equally Guilty of this $8million STUDY Report. This is a War crime Land Grab! USA is $43 Trillion in Debt & Invaded 17 nations using their dirty Covid19 patent of Richard A Rothchilds registered to USA SEC - wall st & its partner London Stock exchange. Using a Pandemic for Security Stocks & Bonds Raids on targeted individuals for High Yield BONDS sold by demand of birth certificates, marriage certs & death certs Human Harvesting. These nazi murderers have injured & killed over 200,000 NZers. We demand they face Nuremberg Trials 2024.
The Head Researcher of Auckland University guinea pig project is a self acclaimed professor Helen Petousis-Harris a Melinda & Bill Gates contract & WHO global advisory committee 2017, been a group director for Vaccine Datalunk & Research group & Brighton advisory board. A colleague of a Collin Barber Australasian society for infectious diseases. Targeting Maori & Pacific islander children, youth & adults. This describes a neonazi white extremist pedophile predator & partnerships with murderers, human traffickers, organ harvesters, adrenochrome drug suppliers. And Grave robbers, gold diggers & Bank Robbers.
Where is Justice?
July 10th 2024:
$16 Million more NZ Dollars to Ukraine & $4 million towards Drone Weapons. A TOTAL $130 Million NZ Dollars. Traitor AMERICAN Contracted NZ Politician Puppets like Dirty Luxton visting USA & attending a Nato meeting in Washington DC. This behaviour calls for DISSOLVING PARLIAMENT:

Cloning Through PCR Tests targeting individuals to become Hybrids crazy Tony Fauci neonazi Experiments treating people like Animals.
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