⚠️⚠️⚠️ Check this way to make cheap lighting.

5 months ago

I think I'm going to put these in mu shed!!!
About the photo:
Speed limiters now mandatory on all new cars in Europe
Recent legislation now requires all new cars sold in Europe to have speed-limiting devices fitted, beginning this Sunday, 7 July 2024.
The technology, called intelligence speed assistance (ISA) (https://www.drive.com.au/tag/speed-limiter/), is now mandatory for all brand-new cars in the European Union, and can either warn drivers when they're driving over the posted limit (https://www.drive.com.au/tag/speed-limit/) or actively prevent the vehicle from speeding.
While the UK has confirmed it won’t be introducing the mandate, any new car being sold and registered after 7 July 2024 in Europe – even if built before the laws came into effect – will be required to have the technology retrofitted.
We know the "powers that be" want people to travel less, ultimately own nothing and get thrown into a smart city. Though subtle, this is another step towards that agenda.
ARTICLE (https://www.drive.com.au/news/speed-limiters-mandatory-new-cars-in-europe/)
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