Rahan. Episode One hundred and One. By Roger Lecureux. The Death of Rahan! A Puke (TM) Comic.

7 months ago


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


Episode One hundred and One.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The Death of Rahan!

In this spring of fierce ages, astonishing news spread from caves to villages, from clans to clans, from territories to territories.
Rahan is dead!
Rahan has joined the territory of the shadows!

This frightening news was spread by still dazed messengers who had themselves witnessed the death of the “Fire-Haired Hunter”!
Rahan was killed in fair combat by our sorcerer Handdak!
He rests now, and forever, on the "altar of the sun"

It all started in the morning when the son of Crao heard the roars of "Goraks" covering the cries of men.
Rahan hates "Goraks"!
Maybe he can help these hunters!

Page Two.

A strange scene appeared to him.
While a sickly hunter facing two “Saber-toothed Tigers” was in danger of dying.
His companion cheered him as if he had triumphed over the wild beasts!
You are the greatest sorcerer-hunter, Handdak!
You killed the "Goraks"!

This man does not see that his brother is going to have his throat slit!
Or he is blind.
Or he has lost his mind!

Rahan was already rushing to the rescue of the hunter in peril.
Surprised by this adversary who was falling from the sky, the big cat arched its back.
Offering his side to the ivory knife.

But surprise did not work against the second who, abandoning his victim, put up a front.
Between the two of us, “Gorak”!
Are you afraid of Rahan's "Claw"!?

Page Three.

Rahan, who had been taken in and raised by Crao, the chief of the Blue Mountain clan, had never known his true parents.

But he knew that they had been mauled by "Goraks" when he was just a "little man".

So he hated saber-toothed tigers, savage and bloodthirsty!
It was with vengeful ardor that he accepted the melee.

He was furious and his outcome was momentarily uncertain.
But the victorious clamor of man finally overcame the death rattle of the monster.

You saved Handdaak, “Hair of Fire!”
“Those-who-walk-upright” must help each other!
Rahan only did what he had to do!

Page Four.

The hunter who remained on the sidelines came running, screaming with enthusiasm.
I saw it all, Handdak!
You killed these "Goraks" with magnificent courage!
You are the greatest wizard of all!

Hum! Do not listen to Hadko, brother.
He is the leader of our clan.
But he sometimes loses his mind! How could I have saved myself?

Rahan has had a long, long run.
He would like to rest for a while among yours!
Follow us Brother!

A moment later Hadko-the-chief and Handdak-the-sorcerer led the son of Crao to their village.
There was a strange and unusual atmosphere there.

Men and women remained prostrate in the shadows of the huts, staring, indifferent to the arrival of the newcomer.
What mysterious illness could have struck this clan?

In front of these apathetic hunters, Hadko recounted in his own way the fight with the two "Goraks."
Then I saw Handdak lunge at the monsters and hit them with his magic spear until they died!

Page Five.

Whether his feat was attributed to someone else did not matter to the son of Crao.
This unfortunate Hadko is not in his right mind!
The true leader of this clan must be Handdak!

Yours look like they have not eaten for days and days, Handdak!
It is true. Game is rare in this area!

But when my brothers have had a little of this drink, they will forget their hunger!
They will forget their suffering! They will forget everything!
The sorcerer carefully prepared a curious mixture.

A drug, hah!?
It is not with a drug that you will give back to your hunters their courage and their strength!
Rahan now understood the clan's apathy.
He was indignant.

The oblivion that your drug gives to yours only brings them an illusion of happiness!
Look at them!
They are nothing more than human waste, incapable of thinking and acting!

Handdak had turned pale.
You saved me, Rahan, but that does not give you the right to challenge my authority! Leave Rahan! Leave our village immediately!
Page Six.

Rahan is not a slave to your drugs Handdak!
His mind remains clear and he is the master of his decisions!
Rahan will leave when he judges fit!

The attack had attracted Hadko and a few dazed men.
All those who oppose the great Handdak deserve death!
You are going to join the “Territory of Shadows”, “Fire Hair”!

Hadko did not even have time to throw his spear.
You were undoubtedly a strong hunter, Hadko.

But see what Handdak's brews have done to you!
You have no more strength than one of these “Little Men”!
A simple push had thrown the leader to the ground!

A hostile murmur arose.
You would want to pounce on Rahan. But you are scared, are you not!?
You are nothing more than ghosts of hunters!

Who do you think you are, fire hair!?
Do you know that I could impose my will on you without even using violence!
Ha-ha-ha! If it is a challenge, Rahan accepts it!
Page Seven.

A little later, the son of Crao lent himself to a strange experience.
Sleep, fiery hair, sleep. Sleep and let Handdak's thoughts penetrate yours!

The sorcerer's gaze was almost unbearable and Rahan slowly felt overcome by an inexplicable uneasiness.
Sleep! I want it!

But he fought against the numbness that took all his willpower away.
To resist the effects of hypnosis.
Rahan will not let Handdak impose his will on him! He must continue to resist!
A clamor mixing astonishment and admiration resounded.

The sorcerer came to admit defeat.
You are the first man to resist my will, Rahan!
But perhaps you are not an ordinary man! Maybe you are a god. Or a demon!

Neither god nor demon, Handdak! Rahan is only a hunter, like his father Crao!
You should leave this village immediately, Rahan!

The wizard had difficulty concealing his rage.
While Rahan harangued the clan.
Looking for oblivion and so-called “Happiness” in the drugs of Handdak is cowardice!
A coward in the face of life! A coward in front of your children who you let die of hunger!
Page Eight.

Yes, Rahan will leave your territory!
But he will not do it without having done something for these "Little Men" who are not responsible for your losses!

A little later.
Hum. Rahan will have to find meat elsewhere!
Wild beasts had preceded the son of Crao. All that remained of the two "Goraks" were the carcasses.

Rahan knew the risks he was taking in confronting this great black buffalo.
Oh! Rahan would have preferred less formidable game. But he has no choice!

The ivory knife had penetrated the beast's spine but had been torn from his fingers.

It was only with the second charge that he managed, thanks to his prodigious agility, to recover his weapon!

Ten times the great buffalo charged him. Ten times he dodged and delivered his blows. On the chest. From the neck to the sides.

Page Nine.

When the beast finally collapsed his cry of victory reached the clan.

There was a short silence when he appeared, carrying a heavy wedge of meat.
Then the men, emerging from their apathy, rushed forward, screaming with joy.
Meat! Black buffalo meat!

Back! This meat is intended for the “Little men.”
If you want to eat you will have to find the energy to go find the buffalo that Rahan killed!

The sorcerer's rage grew further when Hadko and a few hunters moved away towards the forest.
Uh. Uh. I believe that "Hair of Fire" is right. Follow me, brothers!

One of us is too many, “Hair of Fire”!
That is right, Handdak! This is why Rahan will leave the territory immediately!

You misunderstood me, Rahan!
If you left, mine would keep the memory of a man who resisted their sorcerer!
What I want is for them to see you die, killed with my own hands!

Page Ten.

We will fight at dawn, on the tomb that our ancestors dedicated to the sun god!
It will be an honest and fair fight, until death ensues.

The men who return loaded with meat cheered at the idea of this duel.
Handdak is a great wizard and Rahan is a great hunter! It was going to be an extraordinary fight!

But Rahan does not want to kill Handdak! Rahan does not kill "Those-who-walk-upright"!
The son of Crao felt that he was going to lose all the respect he had just acquired.

Rahan could accept this duel, after all! It will be easy for him to triumph over Handdak and grant him life! Thus, Rahan will be better listened to, better understood by the clan!

Rahan accepts the combat with Handdak!
The clamors increased, greeting both Rahan and the sorcerer.

Your courage honors him, Rahan! The fight will take place at dawn.
We will each arm ourselves with five arrows and a spear!
One of us will have to die on the dolmen of the sun!

Page Eleven.

The night took place in a festive atmosphere. The sorcerer generously distributed his beverages.
You may be living the last night, Rahan!
Why refuse to make it more pleasant?

For some false happiness, drugs destroy reflexes for days and days!
And Rahan needs all his reflexes to fight you Handdak!

When the tomb of the sun was silhouetted in the first light of dawn, the whole clan moved towards the hill.

And formed a circle around the large sacred stone on which the two fighters stood.
You are going to see Handdak kill the fiery-haired hunter, brothers!

When the sun god appears, Rahan will have reached the territory of shadows!
This assurance from the sorcerer made the son of Crao smile.

Who knew he was agile enough, skillful enough to quickly triumph over his adversary.
When Rahan has ridiculed Handdak and has him at his mercy. He will give him his life with grace!

Page Twelve.

Under the eyes of all the members of the clan plunged into blissful ecstasy, the duel began.
With surprising agility Rahan avoided Handdak's first arrows.

And shot his with remarkable precision, just grazing the sorcerer.
As you can see, Rahan could have already killed four times!

But an arrow suddenly grazed his shoulder.
The flint had only lightly scratched his skin.

But he instantly felt dizzy. His legs gave way beneath him.
Another one of your drugs!
You, however, had sworn. That the fight would be fair you, you.

As if in a fog he saw Handdak brandishing his bow. His muscles refused to obey him.
Watch Rahan die, brothers!

The clan, stunned, saw the arrow fly away. They saw the “Fire Haired” hunter stagger, his side pierced right through!

Page thirteen.

Rahan should never have challenged your sorcerer, brothers!
The belly pierced by the last arrow of Handdak, the son of Crao, collapsed on the sacred stone.

Then, Handdak-the-sorcerer grabbed his spear and plunged it three times into Rahan's heart!

For the members of the clan everything turned red.
The sky, set ablaze by the rising sun.
The sacred stone, which the lifeless fire-haired hunter flooded with his blood!

Rahan is no more!
Rahan has joined the “Territory of the shadows”!
But he deserves our respect.
Solemn and respectful Handdak had placed the ivory knife under the crossed hands of the dead man.

Come on, my brothers! Go everywhere and spread this news!
Go tell how Handak defeated Rahan!

The sun was now blazing above the sacred tomb.
A sun that the son of Crao would never see again, lying forever on this tragic altar.

Page Fourteen.

And that is why, in this spring of fierce times, the astonishing news spread.
Rahan is dead!
Rahan is dead!

It crossed the forests and the rivers, the steppes and the hills, reaching the most distant territories.
Rahan is dead! Rahan is dead!

All the clans and hordes that the son of Crao had known, and they were innumerable, evoked his memory.

We thought Rahan was immortal, like all the gods!
But Rahan was just a simple hunter, just a man as he himself said.

Everywhere, in this spring of mourning, evoked the courage, the generosity, the kindness of Rahan, all the qualities symbolized by the claws of his famous necklace.

They remembered his wild childhood and his struggle for life.
They talked again about his fights and his sacrifices for the clans he met.

Page Fifteen.

They remembered all his tricks, all his wonderful discoveries.
Our clans owe him so much! We will never be able to forget him!

The one whose pride was in never having stolen a man's life was no more.
The one who had done so much for “Those-who-walk-upright,” his brothers, was no more!
The men in these fierce times had lost one of their best sons.
But they would never lose the memory of him.

Rahan will continue to live in our hearts!

At the dawn of human history, faced with the darkness of ignorance, a man dared to brandish the torch of reason. This man was no more.

Rahan, the son of Crao, was no more. Rahan the hunter of the “Hair of fire” was no more.
But he had opened the way for those of his kind. Men.

The son of wild ages had ceased to live.
But his legend had been born which would perpetuate him until the end of time.

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