270. Unschooling, Day to Day, Uniquely Educating Each Child, & Stepping Out Of The School Matrix

7 months ago

Most of us step into the homeschooling world overwhelmed by the terms, curriculum, and methodology. We have so many questions and it feels intimidating to ask them.

Today's guest, Cheryl Daley, of The Homeschool How To podcast is asking some amazing questions as she sifts through it all in order to homeschool her children.

We talk about unschooling, what the day to day can look like, incorporating math in the younger years, and what to do if you don't feel creative enough to homeschool. Plus, I'm telling Cheryl the things I wish someone spoke into me in my first years as a homeschool mom.

Pop those earbuds in and be prepared for some great encouragement, insight, and ideas that you can use in your homeschool!

♥ Leigh

Cheryl's website: https://thehomeschoolhowto.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehomeschoolhowtopodcast?igsh=MWI3anJrOWpzZzNpMQ==

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089912183883&mibextid=ZbWKwL

Listen to my episode on The Homeschool How To: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/62-what-does-homeschooling-highschoolers-look-like/id1672109465?i=1000652331224

DESIGN YOUR FAMILY'S HOMESCHOOL WITH YOUR HOMESCHOOL BLUEPRINT https://littlebylittlehomeschool.com/blueprint

CREATE YOUR HOME TASK SYSTEM WITH THE TIDY HOME https://www.littlebylittlehomeschool.com/tidyhome

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8. 6 Things I Don’t Do In My Homeschool and Why You Can Ditch Them Too--Insights After Homeschooling for 10 Years https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/08-6-things-i-dont-do-in-my-homeschool-and-why-you/id1607943103?i=1000551750053

33. Why the Fear of Failure is Holding Moms Back From Homeschooling and 3 Steps to Overcoming This Thought https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/33-why-the-fear-of-failure-is-holding-moms-back/id1607943103?i=1000558017816

50. 5 Steps to Start Homeschooling as a New Homeschool Mom and Why These Can Guide You In the Early Years https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/50-5-steps-to-start-homeschooling-as-a-new/id1607943103?i=1000564512602

74. Homeschooling With Toddlers and Preschoolers Around: Practical Tips to Succeed in the Homeschool Day with Young Children https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/74-homeschooling-with-toddlers-and-preschoolers/id1607943103?i=1000575752611

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