Robert Towne -- Master of the Backstory -- What can you learn about your own characters from him?

7 months ago

Robert Towne (1934-2024) was long-acknowledged as one of Hollywood's top writers of all time. He is responsible for some of the greatest classics of all time, including Chinatown, Shampoo, and Mission Impossible. He also wrote key scenes for Bonnie & Clyde and The Godfather. His early career was dotted with movies such as the Roger Corman' produced and directed adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's The Tomb of Liegia -- which provides an Ur text for many of his following films. The reason Towne was such a great writer is that all of his characters had deeply thought-through back stories, which resulted in complicated ovations that could explain their sometimes bizarre actions. For those looking to write, produce, direct, or act in a feature film or television series, Towne's attention to detail is something to aspire to.

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