There is only One God and One Kingdom

7 months ago

As we continue our journey into Ezekiel chapter 37:15-28 we see that God wants Ezekiel to talk with the people once again. God's ultimate goal is to reunite the two regions of the land He had promised to the Israelites. This land in ancient days as God calls it in Ezekiel's vision is Judah and Joseph.

God instructs Ezekiel to write on two sticks the names of the tribes/land to be joined together. Then Ezekiel is asked to hold the sticks in one hand together representing one stick or in essence one land. Through this vision God speaks of one King and one land. The servant of God will be David in ancient times reigning over the land called Israel.

But God, He has other plans for the land of Israel as we see in the book of Revelation. Where Israel is the focus of the tribulation and will be ministered to by 144,000 sent by God to solidify Gods plan that Israel will reign forever. His plan includes bringing a shepherd to watch over the land.

As we dive deeper into the scripture we see emerging from Ezekiel's vision, the vision of a savior of not only Israel and the Jewish population, but for the gentiles across the globe as well. God's plan is to unite the Jews and the gentiles into one body as we learn when understanding Paul's mission to preach the gospel of Jesus to the gentiles.

Note: This is in no way a message of replacement theology. I do not believe that the church replaces Israel as it is taught by some. The church does not replace Israel, but becomes a part of God's plan to unite all who follow Jesus Christ into one heavenly body living for eternity in heaven.

This vision from Ezekiel has a great message of God's promise of hope, for protection, and to give us a shepherd for eternity. To give us a temple for eternity. To give us a prince of peace for eternity. If you focus on what God is telling His people in ancient days about the King, the temple, the prince of peace, you can see as you read in the New Testament the realization or fulfillment of His promises to Israel, not only for their land and the people but for the whole world to benefit.

God never stops short of His blessings for those who follow Him and believe that He is the creator of all things. That He gave His only Son to pay our sin debt in full. His love will never fail us, His hand is far reaching and when He stretches His arm who can annul or turn it away? This is the message He gave to His people in Israel over 2500 years ago and we see it playing out in the way that God through Ezekiel has foretold us it would.

The continuation of the message (the fulfillment of the Old Testament) into the New Testament is the same. God will bring us a Prince of Peace, He will bring the land together, and God will protect us. God will bring forth a Shepherd to protect us. Through the belief in the Son of God knowing that Jesus paid our sin debt, repenting of our sins, and seeking forgiveness, we shall live forever in the kingdom of heaven.

My prayer is that we see the Old Testament in such a way that we see God's plan for this world and His children. That as we search OT scripture we see Jesus prophesied and in the New Testament we see scripture fulfilled. My prayer is that we would all see Jesus in a way that He speaks to our hearts, changes our minds and points us in the direction to His Father in Heaven. That we would all decide to live for the Triune God in heaven. That we as a nation, a people, will repent our sins and turn our evil ways into the Love of Christ for all. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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