11 Ep#504 Full Length Inner Child Visualization

6 months ago

Dedicated to Max.

Sometimes a podcast episode feels like a pure supernatural gift from the Holy Spirit to me, and then to you. This episode is such a gift.

This technique has the power to heal at the heart level like nothing else I've used. Ask Little Therese for that grace.

In Episode #495, I offered a short version of The Little Way Visualization technique. It was short because I ran out of time in the episode after qualifying the exercise with a few warnings, a grounding technique in case you encountered emotions that threatened to take over, and breathing and relaxation guidance. If you need that sort of support, please revisit that episode (linked in the previous sentence).

Several of you asked for a fuller experience without the interruptions, so here it is, full length, uninterrupted, and fully produced.

Skip to the 12:00 minute mark to begin.

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