Strange AI generated 3D printed rocket engine blasts off

7 months ago

Dubai-based AI engineering company Leap 71 used its in-house AI engineering model ‘Noyron’ to design the freakish contraption, sent it to German firm AMCM to be 3D printed in copper, and then off to the University of Sheffield in the UK for test firing. Thanks to a wonderful invention (by the AI) of a ‘coaxial swirler’, the weird copper horror sausage looking thing has enough force to lift half a ton.

Well, until it melts, that is. The design is apparently sound, but 3D printing hasn’t quite come along enough to create the smooth, delicate channels needed for the cooling system to work at peak efficiency. On the plus side, each iteration takes mere minutes to come up with, so it really won’t be long until the AI figures that one out.

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