⚠️Passport of Man on Terror Watchlist Found on Border by Rainforth, HIDDEN!

5 months ago

Jul 3, 2024 -- 'I found this passport in a very remote location where human traffickers tell illegal aliens to go on dirt roads through low mountains to get to where they can be picked up by Border Patrol. I gave the passport to a BP agent who looked it up and told me he is on a watchlist and they picked him up a week or two after he entered the country but he doesn't know if he is still in custody because they release almost everyone.

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ARTICLE: Guest post by Jeffery Rainforth

I got to the border in Jacumba, California, almost 3 weeks ago. I’ve been camping right where the Border Patrol picks up large groups in the early morning hours.

Shortly after I arrived, I had encountered about 5 large groups of illegal aliens.

Like Lukeville, AZ, where I spent 7 weeks camped out from Oct. to Dec. in 2023, this place has people coming in illegally from around the world. In Lukeville, about half of the illegals were from Islamic-majority nations in Africa.

In Jacumba, what I’m seeing is that a large number of the illegals are from China.

But that’s not what this article is about.

Everywhere I go on the border, I find discarded passports, IDs, and driver’s licenses. Other border reporters find them all the time, too.

People crossing illegally dump their IDs for a variety of reasons. One of the main ones is that apparently, if they are caught and sent back into Mexico, Mexico will send them to their home country. If they have no ID, they stay in Mexico. That makes it easier to try to cross the border again.

About a week ago, I was exploring dirt roads and trails in the low mountains on the border near Jacumba.

I decided to climb a small hill, and then some boulders to get a better look at a valley and the trails going through it.

Right under a huge boulder, I spotted a green passport booklet. It was completely out of sight of the dirt road I had driven in on with a colleague (eyeoftheSTORMsd on X).

I found the passport of a male illegal alien from the Islamic Republic of Mauritania dumped on a mountain behind a pile of boulders where no one would look. He hasn’t had his passport stamped since 2019. He doesn’t want to be known. Near Jacumba. Informing @CBP and @DHSgov to… pic.twitter.com/iKdGmAmt48

— Just Jeff From Cali (@liberty_clarion) June 29, 2024

When I opened the passport, I was surprised to find that it was that of a male illegal alien from the Islamic Republic of Mauritania. He had dumped it on a mountain behind a pile of boulders where no one would look. He hasn’t had his passport stamped since 2020. He didn’t want it known that he was in the country.

IMPORTANT: It’s getting insanely hot in the desert here, I normally camp out on the border, but I’ve had to get some hotel rooms to escape the heat and work on videos. I usually camp where the illegals are crossing. I just had the fuel pump replaced in my Jeep because it was overheating in causing the Jeep to stall. I’d like to offset my costs. If you’re able, here are ways to contribute if you think this information is important:If you’re able, here are ways to contribute if you think this information is important: On GiveSendGo On CashApp On Venmo On PayPal

I showed a Border Patrol agent the passport when I came across one after finishing exploring the area. The agent had me turn off my cameras, and he checked the name of the illegal alien.

The agent informed me that the person was indeed on a terror watchlist and that they had picked him up sometime after he entered the country illegally.

The agent was unsure if he was still in custody and told me that he may have been released because they were ordered to release almost everyone.

In June, Bloomberg Law reported that 172 people on the terror watchlist were apprehended in 2023, and there have been 81 so far in 2024.

Article & more info froem The Gateway Pundit: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/07/exclusive-passport-man-terror-watchlist-found-border-hidden/

VIDEO SOURCE: RAINFOREST Bhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIHEc7b_oSY

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