Til Daybreak Come

7 months ago

The 9th song of my album called Online.
This song is about Dead by Daylight
You can purchase this song on my Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/frostbrand/shop


I wake into a nightmare of corruption and rot
This place is like a theater of life and death
The sky is burning with black and stars I don’t know
The ground feels stained with screams!

They are coming!
We need to run!

Oh! The kill has come tonight
Old powers must be sated
Cut them with axe or knife
Feed the claw be sated!
Kill them all and win the day
Amuse the darkness here to stay
Fail and suffer like the dead
Reborn to hunt and kill again!

Here comes the killer again!
Why can’t I wake from this hell?!

I woke up to the smell of smoke!
This place is dead like a graveyard
A crack of wood, a window broke!
Heavy footfalls and a grunting guard
Some masked psycho is chasing me!
I need to run with nowhere to go
Strangers with me, but they all flee!
My position given up by a fucking crow

Hell! The kill has come tonight
Old powers must be sated
Cut them with claw or knife
Feed the claw be sated!
Kill them all and win the day
Amuse the darkness here to stay
Fail and suffer like the dead
Tormented to hunt and kill again!

There is another killer again!
Why won’t it let me go from this hell?!

The nightmare begins over again!
I keep waking up in this place
Locked in here like a slaughter pen!
I cry and run for the fog to erase
Somehow fixing old machines!
The killer’s chasing us all down
While friends are put on hooks to scream!
Slicing flesh to put us to ground

Yes! The kill has come tonight
Old powers must be sated
Cut them with scythe or knife
Feed the claw be sated!
Kill them all and win the day
Amuse the darkness here to stay
Fail and suffer like the dead
Undead to hunt and kill again!

Stop calling me a killer again!
Is there anything other than this hell?!

Why does this keep happening?!
Unless the claws take you away
From shadow metal dangling!
Traumatized, we’re all afraid
These killers with no soul but have a need!
I’m quickly losing my mind in here
Torn and taken by old god’s greed!
Why so they seem to smell my fear

It’s like I can’t wake up from what must be a nightmare
Like fire scratching the fabric of feeling around me
Running away into the fog only saves me for tonight
Must I always dream this place til daybreak comes?

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