ODDKO - Disobey the Digital Gods (Rmx) - Music Video

6 months ago

Stream, Download, Purchase EP here: https://snd.click/EscapeTheMaze
Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/37lyAwI
Website: http://oddko.com
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Produced by: Void n' Disorder https://voidndisorder.com

Giovanni Bucci
Director, Creative Director

Paola Rocchetti
Executive Producer, Art Director, Stylist

Director of Photography: Giovanni Bucci, Dave Tavanti
Director of Photography for Hekate: Giovanni Bucci, Marta Petrucci
Cinematographer: Giovanni Bucci
Assistant camera operator: Nicolò Baronci


Oddko: Giovanni Bucci
Hekate: Paola Rocchetti
Skull cat girl: Arianna Ilardi
Girl on black background: Selena Tavanti
Guy in distressed room: Sergio Scargetta
Guy in jungle room: Dave Tavanti
Lab test doctor: Rosa Bucci
Priest: Bruno Bucci
Percussionist: Nicolò Baronci
Voiceover: Colin de Andrade


Editor: Giovanni Bucci
3D environment development: Giovanni Bucci, Paola Rocchetti, Stefano Dubay, Alessandro Anzola, Alessandro Chironna, Federico Albanese, Samuele Cisternino
3D animation: Giovanni Bucci
Texture TD: Hoang Anh Nguyen
3D Lighting: Giovanni Bucci, Hoang Anh Nguyen
Shader development, render TD: Duy Do Le
3D modeling: Stefano Dubay, Hong Nhung Nguyen, Limkuk
Olive tree 3D scan by Carlo Jongen
3D tracking: Hadi Pourkerman
Compositing: Giovanni Bucci
Colorist: Giovanni Bucci

Costume design and styling: Paola Rocchetti
On set costume assistant: Flavia FG Tomassi, Marta Petrucci
Key Make-Up: Paola Rocchetti
Additional Make-Up: Flavia FG Tomassi for Paola Rocchetti as Hekate
Assistant Make-Up: Marta Petrucci
Special FX supervisor: Manlio Rocchetti
Special FX assistant: Gabriele Catania
Sculptors: Francescaromana Di Nunzio, Massimiliano Catalano


Green screen scenes filmed at Strani Rumori Studio in Pigge (PG), Italy
On location scenes filmed in Cordigliano (PG), Italy


STRANI RUMORI STUDIO and LUCA SCOTA who provided the majority of the equipment and who believed in and supported us from the beginning.
Thank you Luca!


Joshua David at Majesty Black, Mildred at Mother of London, Nange Magro at Dead Lotus Couture, Alessia Bassani, Paressi Presone Labitan, Rocchetti & Rocchetti, Manuela Caredda, Luana Inguscio, Roberta Chielli, Alessandro Catalano, Emanuela Familiari, Luigi Rocchetti, Fabrizia Pandimiglio and her black cello, Laura Aschieri, Bartek Truszkowski, Felix and Sasha at E8 Make 3D Printing, David Torno, Nando Adiletta, Cane Cane, Ezequiel Grand, Mert Kızılay, Ed Boldero, Alessandra Rocchetti, Kate Bestic, Valentina Trentini, Jake Maymudes, Veronika Coassolo, Mike Lipscombe, George Murillo, Carlos De Faria, Isabel Moura, Laura Fallace, Sara Lazzaro, Alessio Brunozzi, Monina Bucci, Stefano Spiganti, Francesco Ferrini, Cristiano Peverini, Carlo Primieri at Primieri Hair, Oonacat, Demobaza, United Nude.

Listen to our playlist which include alternative metal and industrial bands such as Ghostmane, Kim Dracula, Celldweller, Rob Zombie and many more:

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