#239 - 20100819 - 100% HHO FEC 2004 Dodge Pickup comments

8 months ago

I sincerely had high hopes and an open mind BUT... A few candid comments about Future Energy Concepts 2004 Dodge pickup they have reported is running on 100% HHO.

Red flag #1, They claim to be making 50 LPM. I tried to defend them and explain away why it may not look like that much but then they confirmed the absence of a holding tank. All that's left is the reaction vessel, 3/8" hose and dryer. They say it's 2 liters of trapped space. At 50 LPM it would only take 7.2 seconds to reach 60 psi, not several minutes. Their response to this was they "had leaks." If their leaks were that bad, they would have never hit 60psi at all.

Red flag #2. They stated they were open sourcing it for the betterment of humanity but they need investors? How would an investor see any ROI? About the only thing that adds up to is investment scam.

Red flag #3. They then stated they were ionizing their HHO. If that's true, where is it in their "open source" block diagram or detail photos of the installation?

As I state in my last annotation. On August 21 they're supposed to give an open demo of the truck in AZ. If any of you can attend, ask if they will let you disconnect and ground out 1 or 2 spark plug wires while the truck is "running on 100% HHO", then smell the exhaust for unburned hydrocarbons. Let's see how many excuses they can make for why they can't allow you to do that. The fuel rail will also have a purge valve that looks like a tire stem valve. If you open it by pushing it in, the only thing that should come out of it is HHO. I doubt they'll let you do that either.

Their YouTube channel is http://www.youtube.com/user/FutureEnergyConcepts
Their web site is http://www.futureenergyconceptsinc.com/
The now infamous video is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py8QYt54EpE

Also, update on the problem alternator.

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