🏖️ Peaceful Windy Day @ Britannia #Beach In Ottawa's West End🩴

6 months ago

🍇Healthy4Life ⛱️☮️🍃
The area consists of a fair size beach with lifeguards, a community centre with a restaurant. There is lots of green areas with picnic tables, some barbecues and covered tables.
You might get parking on site during the week. On weekends best to park on one of the side streets. Excellent park/ beach I would highly recommended it.
People boarding the OERC trolley, Britannia-on-the-Bay, 1900
24 May 1900
During the late nineteenth century, electricity was the big new invention that was transforming peoples’ lives. Within a short span of years, electric lights replaced gas lamps in homes, in businesses and on city streets in the major cities of North America. Horse-drawn public transportation was also retired in favour of electric streetcars, also known as trolleys. But while the fast and comfortable trolleys were very popular on weekdays and on Saturday mornings transporting commuters from the suburbs to downtown offices, streetcar companies found their vehicles underused on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. What to do? The answer was to increase weekend ridership by giving people someplace to go and something to do on their time off. Spurred by the success of Coney Island in New York City, transit companies in many major North American cities built amusement parks, colloquially known as “electric parks.” Constructed at the end of a streetcar line, these parks attracted thousands of working class men, women and children seeking weekend fun and excitement. Of course, people had to buy a streetcar ticket to get there; the days of the automobile were still in the future.

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