HAR Board of Directors

8 months ago

The upcoming election for the HAR Board of Directors features a diverse group of accomplished candidates. We four have banned together, united by a common goal to enhance the organization's impact and drive its mission forward. Voters will have the opportunity to choose from this talented slate, each of whom is dedicated to fostering growth, innovation, and sustainability within our organization and community.
Are You Are Ready for Seasoned Leadership in 2025?
NOTE: Voting Starts July 30th through August 5th
1. All members in good standing as of July 1 may vote and will receive a unique email from our third-party voting management company BigPulse.com. This is the ONLY way to cast a vote. The email goes to the primary email address in the member's record. Note that any member who joined after July 1 is not eligible to vote.
2. If a member asks how to vote they should search for the bigpulse email. If they do not see it they should check their spam/junk folder.
3. Help is available for members who have questions by contacting Election@har.com or Mariangie Cabriles at 713- 629-1900 ext. 1278., www.BigPulse.com:
@followers @highlight Steve Guillen Dory Gordon Chad Khan Richard Luebeck

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