Head Straight, Fixing Problems (With Eric Salas)

8 months ago

Head Straight, Fixing Problems (With Eric Salas)
#EricSalasWorkshops #HeadStraight #FreeStacking #ConformationTraining #TrainingPets #HeadStraight #StackingLadder #agilitydogsofinstagram #obediance#dogshows #ownerhandler#akcdogshows #ukc #americanbully#fcidogshow #dogshowhandling#bestinshow#Dogsofinstagram #ShowGrooming #CompetitionGrooming #GroomingTools #Ericsalas #fitpaws #Headstraight
Learn to eliminate problems like not standing for exam, backing away from judges, not gaiting, sniffing the ground or acting like your dog is afraid. This video is filled with examples of these challenges and demonstrations on how to eliminate these problems. Please watch this video in its entirety, as it is progressive. If you skip to the end, you will miss very important messages and skills that lead up to the end. Many problems we experience in everyday life with our dog’s stem from one thing, lack of respect. Most dogs really start testing the pecking order between 12 to 18 months. They do things like; step on us, paw at us, lean on us, lay higher than us, and we fail these tests. The better the breeding on many of these dogs the harder it can be to train. That is because these dogs were bred to instinctively do a job and they have very strong working drives to do these jobs. When we ignore, they’re drives and try to focus on other things like companionship or dog shows we are met with primitive instincts. Please subscribe to the Official Eric Salas Training Channel on YouTube. All Video Footage is copyrighted and may not be used by ANYONE unless you have the written permission of Eric Salas. www.K9-World.com

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This is the most in-depth channel on creatively and efficiently training to handle and groom dogs at a high competition levels. See the latest techniques and the best products and tools available. The techniques taught in animal behavior will help people with their dogs in every household during shows, events and in the home.

For more info

Eric Salas is available for Private or group training worldwide. If you want a career in dogs, would like to host a workshop in your area, or just want your companion to be a better dog, contact Eric Salas today at Info@EricSalasWorkshops.com

All Video Footage is copyrighted and may not be used by ANYONE unless you have the written permission of Eric Salas.
Than you

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