Some Facts About the Slave Trade (See Description)

8 months ago

There were already different Native Black Tribes throughout North and South America.

In North America there were many different Native Tribes, some of darker skin tones to others.

Between 1525 and 1866, in the entire history of the slave trade to the New World, according to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, 12.5 million Africans were shipped to the New World. 10.7 million survived the dreaded Middle Passage, disembarking in North America, the Caribbean and South America.

And how many of these 10.7 million Africans were shipped directly to North America? Only about 388,000 That’s right: a tiny percentage

If you take a look at the Olmec Civilization it's clear as day who was already in the America's.

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The cabal's indoctrination system that masquerades as an education system have peddled "their" history since the dawn of the newspaper. They never tell you the truth, only sew the seeds of lies, division, and hate,. They never tell you that the first legalised slave OWNER in the USA was a BLACK man called Anthony Johnson. They never tell you that the first slaves imported into America were WHITE Irish families. They never tell you that there was a huge WHITE slave trade, not just black. They never tell you that the slave trade was started by the Khazarian Jews, aka Ashkenazi/Sephardic Jews (Ashkenazi being European Khazars, Sephardic being North African Khazars). They never tell you about Khazaria, a land now mostly called Ukraine. They never tell you 95% of the Bolsheviks were Khazarian Jews. They never tell you that Hitler was a Jew, that his father was a Rothschild, an Ashkenazi. They never tell you that the so-called courts of justice are TALMUDIC courts; the zionist book of filth. They do not tell you that BLM was started by three black female self-confessed MARXISTS, two of whom were jailed for Buying Luxury Mansions. They never tell you that BLM's manifesto had one pledge that read "to destroy the nuclear family"...anyone with an ounce of intellect should know that this is straight out of the Communist playbook. They never tell you that the parasitic additional letters stuck onto the end of the otherwise peaceful LGBT community were part of that Communist agenda, which is why they targeted children for puberty blockers which CANNOT be reversed...."to destroy the nuclear family". They did not tell you that your false prophets in Hollywood, in oil, TV, and Music are Godless, Soulless scumbags who sold their souls to Lucifer, P Diddy is just one of so so many. There is no "writers strike in Hollywood, there's a lack of "A List Actors", they're GONE; there's a reason why Ricky Gervais trolled the satanic pedophiles of Hollywood at the Golden Globes for 4 years or so, his last line of his last appearance said "...oh and stop fcuking the children". The cabal have brainwashed the people, over generations, and the vast majority have absolutely no idea they are brainwashed. In the UK they have just had the 2024 Glastonbury Festival, thousands and thousands of people worshipping the Pyramid that even had the all seeing eye at the top of the pyramid, and at night the apex of the pyramid illuminated. At what point will people WAKE THE FCUK UP?

Wake up, do your own research and do not allow yourself to be spoon-fed propaganda by your tell-a-vision

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