Biden is Lost, Creepy & The System Elected This Shit! RUMBLE Exclusive! EP30

8 months ago

In this explosive Rumble exclusive episode of the Rumbling Facts Podcast, DJRetsam pulls back the curtain on the shocking cognitive decline of President Joe Biden. You guys saw seven, eight days ago, a week ago, the 2024 presidential debate. Biden was literally eaten up for an hour and a half, losing his train of thought with every question he was asked and mumbling so much that nobody could comprehend what he was saying, not even the sign language interpreter. At one point, when Trump tried to rebut, he admitted, "Honestly, I don't even know what he said at the end, and I'm quite sure he doesn't either," pointing out Biden's evident confusion.

We present undeniable evidence through a series of compilations showcasing Biden's alarming moments of confusion. From getting physically lost on stage to losing his train of thought mid-sentence, this episode is a wake-up call. We delve into numerous instances where Biden seems unable to follow basic directions, raising serious questions about his mental fitness to lead the country.

But it doesn't stop there. We confront the deeply unsettling behavior that Biden has exhibited around children and adults alike. Compilations of videos reveal him inappropriately smelling children's hair and being overly touchy with everyone, even in front of their parents. This behavior is not only inappropriate but also deeply disturbing, and yet it has been largely ignored or downplayed by mainstream media. We expose these moments to shine a light on the character of the man holding the highest office in the land.

This episode isn't just about pointing out Biden's flaws; it's about understanding the implications of having a leader who appears to be a puppet for the system. The establishment has pushed a man who seems completely lost to the highest degree for the presidency, and we must question why. Why is someone who is clearly struggling with cognitive issues being propped up as the leader of the free world? We also discuss how world leaders at the G7 meeting were literally laughing at us, realizing just how absent Biden is.

The mainstream media doesn't just downplay these issues—they actively cover them up. They edit interviews with Biden to make him look flawless and use heavy makeup to prevent him from appearing pale and old. This cover-up is deliberate, designed to hide from the American people that their leader is an old man losing his mind. They do this to stay in power because Trump represents a change, much like JFK did. In fact, in our last episode, we discussed how JFK was assassinated for being a change agent.

Join us as we dissect these shocking revelations and discuss the broader implications for the future of our country. We will not let this go unnoticed.

Your Host = Sam Gladu @DjRetsam @Retsam64
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