9hrs to SHOP July SALE -UNBOX W/ME- Meamo has something for everyone!

8 months ago

Edit- -
Guys!!! I just found my tiny little miracle H in the bottom of my meamo box, that was a close one. Decided I should pull out all the bubbles before discarded my box and there it was all tucked away inside its bubble wrap So happy I noticed😅!!! I can’t wait to get this in my cheeks my madolabials and piraform fossa area. I love using miracle L with iniblanc technique but the one with ha needs go all over so I can get some hydration and plumped skin while waiting for the collagen growth from the pcl😘

Code is active even tho the sale might not be!
APRIl15 for max savings all the time

These are the things always on my list-if not already on my shelves!!:

Fat dissolver is always a must have -if I run out it’s in my next purchase. It’s gonna save you money to stay on top of the areas that need the lipolytics (this does not mean that everybring ur seeing and feeling is fat!! Lipolytics have to do with your lymphatic system. Our fats accumulate fluids that make it appear softer and more uneven in look and texture-using body contouring products on a regular keeps ur from having to do what many of us did in the beginning of our journeys which was. Buying box after box and doing the max amount at every opp! I honestly cannot tell u how many boxes of kabelline, neoBella, lipo lab and dr lipo I went thru that first year and a half of my intensive fat dissolver treatments. Now doing a round every 2-3 months helps me too stay squish free (lol) Well, not really, but it helps to keep it to a minimum!
It helps me to keep my body with the silhouette that I most appreciate and adore and it’s not just for the body. If you invest in one that can be used in both areas you’ll save money this way but also if you purchase a solution, you will have it for so long, but you need to make sure that your face is on the list as well. Nothing will affect your jawline chin and marionette areas Quite like a v line solution will it just has the ability to snatch your face like nobody’s business like nothing else to be honest Sorry if I got repetitive -Feel super sttong about that one!

Toxin-You always wanna have at least one vile in the fridge or the freezer just in case you never know you’re gonna get that month where it doesn’t quite work as well touch up sooner than you thought

Your Mesotherapy With Pdrn or PN. This is anti-aging. It does very similar things to something with stem cells or something with these products don’t need to be shouldn’t be injected deep they should be in the upper dermis. This where the my work best.

Also, I just wanna say that all I know is what I’ve read or what I’ve learned from others and when I learned something from someone, I usually try to always Follow up things I’ve learned With a little research, I do forget things often so if I get something wrong, forgive me -I hope I don’t come across. I know it all that’s not at all my intention- feel free to let me know in the comments if there’s some information that I missed or something I need to be updated on! I would love that actually

Side thought!! 💡 If anyone does DIY Skincare and anti-aging lives in Missouri And likes to be friendly get a hold of me.

What else is on my list

Threads- for a while I had been sleeping on Threads but we are currently having an on again love affair 😍I can’t get enough!!
One should always have PDO and PLLA 29 gauge 25 MM and 29 gauge or 30 gauge 13 mono and or screw(I haven’t yet tried the HA threads seems like everyone was talking about them for a while and then all of a sudden they weren’t so I don’t know what the deal is with those anybody has any information. Let me know if they love them if they’re overrated tell me what you think!

And last but not least-We can’t forget the injectable bio stimulators. For beginners, it’s the-,
miracle products for pcl After you get a little older in DIY years Add some type of PLLA & vollasum. All three of these are my favorite bio stimulators- -Can’t and don’t want to live without them(. I don’t really know if I’ll ever get into loving pla ha. I have etrebelle- I’m gonna give it this type product second try!)

I used to love micro needling with just a nice natural with no extra ingredients high molecular weight ha following a very tight protocol afterwards adding your topicals back slowly letting your face heal did so much good for my skin first started out and then we start thinking we’re gonna move up to bigger and batter treatments when actually sometimes it’s just a low level simplest treatments of all that do the most for anti-aging & collagen induction therapy needling actually that you stamp and the only differences you’re not moving your needle pen back-and-forth but if you are using the right slip and you’re not using something with a lot of extra ingredients that’s going to cause you a lot of inflammation because remember extreme inflammation means extra aging not anti-aging a lot of these topical are confusing because we’re told they all say topical and they’re all meant for therapy or micro needling but sometimes they’re not meant for micro needling. Sometimes they’re just meant for use. Maybe after your channels have closed then you could consider putting those on top of your skin , but when it causes a lot of swelling and burning, I’m not interested and the PDRN in product they burn and Koreans skin care professionals inject them but they only inject them at the most superficial plane that they can. That’s why you get the little white wheels all over your skin because they’re in the upper dermal layer that is different than going deep and putting things deep in your skin that should not be there(really I should say that won’t be as beneficial there🤷‍♀️ But I’m not a professional, so you guys do you… just push the product because not everything needs to be inside of your skin if it’s made for topical use they have now shown with studies that peptides smaller molecules can actually reach into the skin layers without opening up any channels amazing how far the science skin care has come!!
Ok. I could ramble all night

God Bless!

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