New Zealanders USED as USA CDC & Auckland Uni Vaccine Report Plan

2 months ago

This is a news report & educational video sharing information. Damien LaMente has shared & exposeed the Criminal Cartel USA medicql military industrial complex which must include Bill Gates, Google-Darpa-FB-Pfizer profit making parasites. Auckland university neonazi degrees are Equally Guilty of this $8million STUDY Report. This is a War crime Land Grab! USA is $43 Trillion in Debt & Invaded 17 nations using their dirty Covid19 patent of Richard A Rothchilds registered to USA SEC - wall st & its partner London Stock exchange. Using a Pandemic for Security Stocks & Bonds Raids on targeted individuals for High Yield BONDS sold by demand of birth certificates, marriage certs & death certs Human Harvesting. These nazi murderers have injured & killed over 200,000 NZers. We demand they face Nuremberg Trials 2024.
NZ Auckland University leads CDC USA covid vaccine guineapig research monitoring data collection study - reporting the murder & injuring 200k NZers by America & its GCSB nazi partners. USA invaded 17 nations hiding a LandGrab transfer after $43Trillion DEBT:
We demand they face Nuremberg Trials 2024.
The Head Researcher of Auckland University guinea pig project is a self acclaimed professor Helen Petousis-Harris a Melinda & Bill Gates contract & WHO global advisory committee 2017, been a group director for Vaccine Datalunk & Research group & Brighton advisory board. A colleague of a Collin Barber Australasian society for infectious diseases. Targeting Maori & Pacific islander children, youth & adults. This describes a neonazi white extremist pedophile predator & partnerships with murderers, human traffickers, organ harvesters, adrenochrome drug suppliers. And Grave robbers, gold diggers & Bank Robbers.
Also Note Human Rights Commissioner Meng Fu & NZ Director general for health Chai Chuah & Police commissioner Andrew Coster, PM Jacinda Ardern, Chief justice Sian Alias & Helen Winklemann & Governor General Shirley Reddy & Cindy Kiro.
Where is Justice?
All Rights Reserved.
WHO IWNS THE COURTHOUSES & COURTROOMS Threatre un New Zealand communities? They are Private owned for private use profits. This video is education & investigative & intelligence data collection exposing Crown-vatican-rothschilds MOJ ministry of justice hiding the AMINZ arbitrators & mediators institute inc. Who are AMINZ: arbitrators & mediators institute NZ inc?
Our members include arbitrators, mediators, adjudicators, conciliators, facilitators, investigators and 'expert witnesses' from the private and public sectors. They work on domestic and international disputes. The disputes our members deal with range from non-monetary disputes to disputes worth billions of dollars. Our members are involved in a wide range of areas - commercial, rural, family, neighbourhood, maritime, sports, employment, environmental, Māori, environmental and more. Learn more about membership-fellows-comrads.
AMINZ website:
International Credentialling
AMINZ Fellows have a reciprocanl right of Fellowship with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (UK), opening the opportunity of international credentialing.
This crime syndicate uses the Arbitrators Amendment act 2017, Abitors act 1996 UK & adopted by NZ, as a serious fraud Workforce of MEMBERS of the freemason occult. Targeting Inviduals for Private Lands, Real estate & Bank accounts monies stolen
The crown acts of law, explain whos really in the background. Purposes of Act
The purposes of this Act are—
(a) to encourage the use of arbitration as an agreed method of resolving commercial and other disputes; and
(b) to promote international consistency of arbitral regimes based on the Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration adopted by the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law on 21 June 1985; and to promote consistency between the international and domestic arbitral regimes in New Zealand; and
(d) to redefine and clarify the limits of judicial review of the arbitral process and of arbitral awards; and
(e) to facilitate the recognition and enforcement of arbitration agreements and arbitral awards; and
(f) to give effect to the obligations of the Government of New Zealand under the Protocol on Arbitration Clauses (1923), the Convention on the Execution of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1927), and the Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1958).
CONCLUSION: NZ courthouses & courtrooms are a Scam! Fake judges, fake uniforms scavengers!
Using admiralty of the sea DEBT DEATH warrants is piracy law of the sea! Captain cooks endeavours must be CLOSED DOWN! Dissolve parliament & pedophiles courthouse.
These international imposters are running Human Trafficking Money Laundering crime operations to London stock exchange & USA wall st global markets.
This is evidence - USA based warlord George Soros Wall st Hedge fund manager, that made his millions by dirty evil unlawful tactics. GEORGE Soros Destroys Economies like Malaysia, Japan, Russia, Indonesia, Thailand. Build Back Better garbage motto of the Adolf Hitler legacy eugenist cult. This
Proves a point POLITCIANS POLICE are the same puppets he owns through acting UN-WHO-WEF control - where Alex Soros sits as a warlord to dictate evil scheming destruction & global depopulation as Klaus Schwabbs Global gestapo leaders criminals. They run 'Courthouses Theatre', which is COMMERCIAL CONTRACT LAW targeting individuals for their lands, incomes, estates raided & prison profits. Using COMMERCIAL CONTRACT LAW for Commercial Bankers, Commercial Real estate & Commercial investors & developers HEDGE FUND managers to wall st & london stock exchange. These neonazi pedophiles OWN COURTHOUSES & WORKFORCES groomed to scam people for 40years.
Its also GCSB intelligence partner pedophiles is secret service SAS. WHERE IS JUSTICE?
They should be arrested and stripped of ALL WEALTH like blackrock & All their dirty Hedge Fund businesses run at an American located address in Delaware. 1209 Orange st where Wall st is hiding over 2000 Amercian companies at 1 Address.
If you or I did this, we would be arrested & audited & stripped of all incomes. White collared crimes have escalated 500% breaching 100% of their own crimes act 1961 - they murder people daily.
RELEASE The Prisoners Pakeha!. This is how the Maori battalion military intelligence defeats the new world order:

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