there's sumin deeply immoral about avoidance n apathy

7 months ago

we'll see how long this break lasts
drugs aren't the problem
if i'm the problem then drugs probably won't help that
very stubborn don't chu know
if you say sumin disagreeable they will call you a lunatic
liberal used to mean equality, now it just means degenerate
i don't particularly enjoy clean comedy
my subject matter is just too dark i think
it's just more natural to swear up a storm
i don't wanna avoid what's wrong w/ this world
conspiracies make you feel pretty hopeless about the world
i look at all the bad stuff w/ more hope in God
their anger is in vain
now all the truth is coming out little by slow
being a guinea pig makes you a good person apparently
it's obvious that all this was a big ass social experiment to see who would fall for it
it's all for the purpose of pushing an agenda
prolife people are retarded on principle *typically support war
if they're fucking w/ roe v wade it's for the purpose of controlling the twatbotz n the "misogynistic" right wingers that hate them
these gullible sacks a shit will never accept the fact that this shit has BEEN over
we can't take america back from the masons
you can't hardly stop a secret society hence the name
we must have the exact opposite of a social network
too many people ______
REAL social networking would solve the problem caused by the internet
they can pull the plug on the internet anytime they want
gimme yer email if you really dig this
this is a vlogging channel damnit
bucking the system involves bartering not fucking bitcoin
figure out yer God-given gifts n people will flock
at best a politician will buy us time but keep in mind that time is still being controlled
technology has definitely sped up time
most people are unreliable due to their lack of standards
lack of personal health says a lot
why would they pay attention or care about the health of the country where they reside

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