Season 2 Episode 43: The Woman Rides the Beast: Flee the False Church while it’s Still Possible!

8 months ago

Originally aired 7/6/24. Friends, the world continues to devolve toward the condition of the last days Prophecies, and we’re seeing an increase in:
• Global chaos, national instability, and internal ethnic turmoil
• Aggressions against and plots to overthrow nations around the world
• Lawlessness, inverted justice, and oppression of TRUTH
• Unchecked hate and aggression against Jews globally, with universal pressure to thwart Israel’s Justified self-defense from barbaric attackers
• And now an overt leadership vacuum in the waning global superpower
• The world sees a man so befuddled that the DMV wouldn’t let him drive, yet a nation that tolerates prosecuting political enemies rather than choosing a strong leader
• America is defaulting on its foundational commitments to protect individual freedom, and a government BY THE PEOPLE, and to STAND for JUSTICE in the world
• And Satan’s proxies are estimating whether NOW is the time to make their moves, while America’s power is hobbled by self-serving elites
• Iran, Russia, China, North Korea, and dozens of menacing authoritarians around the world, INCLUDING the UN and the W.H.O. are calculating whether to activate their bold plans NOW BEFORE Donald Trump takes the White House, and puts an end to their treachery
• But make no mistake, whether democrats get rid of Biden, or not, one thing is certain, Globalists CAN’T LET TRUMP take office.
• Whether another global crisis in the economy, or an escalation with Russia, or a pandemic, or the war in Israel… or they JAIL TRUMP, or some other election corruption… or WORSE… Whatever their devious minds can think of, they can’t let Trump serve a 2nd term.

Friends, all of this is on purpose. It is SATAN’S plan to overturn the world order of sovereign nations, and deprive individuals of their free will in order to establish his New World Order of SATANIC Dominion over the earth under His antichrist and false prophet.

Because one of the WORST signs RAPIDLY emerging in recent years, is the FALLING AWAY of churches from SOUND DOCTRINE, having ITCHING EARS to receive DOCTRINES of DEVILS, DENYING the Truth of the BIBLE, diminishing Jesus and promoting a SOCIAL GOSPEL. Rather than teaching the WHOLE COUNCIL of God, they reject foundational Bible principles .

Friends, we MUST TEST the SPIRITS whether or not they are of God, and JUDGE the churches by THEIR FRUIT, in the LIGHT OF THE BIBLE.

And so as we looked at last time in Revelation chapter 16, God gathers the nations to the Final Battle ending the GREAT Tribulation and the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, when Jesus will come to set up his Kingdom to rule from Jerusalem 1,000 years.

Here in Ch 17, we get a look at the character of the Beast system that Antichrist set up to rule the earth.

We understand that there were 2 beasts introduced in chapter 13. ONE BEAST was a man that arose from the nations to become the Antichrist, and the other Beast was the FALSE PROPHET that caused the earth to WORSHIP the ANTICHRIST.

Here Jesus reveals to John the image of a WOMAN Riding on a Scarlet Beast, and BOTH the WOMAN and the BEAST will be described in spiritual terms.

YESHUA HAMASHIACH יֵשׁוּעַ המשׁיה

Am Israel Chai! עם ישראל חי


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