This is What May Be Happening To the DEW Radiation "Fires" When FD Sprays Water on it.

2 months ago

We've all grown up knowing that water and electricity is a dangerous combination. Don't ever use a blowdryer in a bathtub. Water is a good conductor of electricity as is metal. Our homes are wired with metal and have water in pipes.
Perhaps when the firemen are spraying water on the radiation fires from the directed energy weapon attack fires they are making them worse, arcing them, and that's why it's so hard to put them out. If they dropped dirt on them, that may work much better.
We are taught to put dirt on an electrical fire or baking soda. Something dry.

So what we are seeing with these so-called wild-fires is actually a radiation event attracting to the very air that was chemtrailed with some kind of hazy thick excellerant, and the radiation beam is activating it and the moisture in the air and in the trees- cooking them from within. , that is made worse with the water, until the energy of it finally peters out. So what is 'burning' if we can even use that term since the physics of the 'fire' is totally not an organice fire burning up to black carbon. What we are seeing is a totally differnent kind of physics - a radiation or light wave event that is attacted to water and to metals. And there is both in the ground. That is why we are seeing the ground cooking.

If you think microwave oven physics it makes sense. If you put a wooden bowl in a microwave with chilie or soup in it. The soup cooks but not the bowl. The same thing with trees, especially water-laden trees such as willows, they are cooking from within and busting open from the heat pressure.
Pine Trees are having their moisture radiated out of them and what ever excellerant was sprayed on them is what we see on fire, not the leaves, twigs, needles and branches. The life is being 'radiated' from them. Horrible.
Hell on Earth literally. We have to stop them.
Placerville CA where my daughter lives just got hit yesterday. Please say a prayer. She will not listen to me about the DEWS.

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