Prophet Julie Green - Many Attacks Against You Will Intensify -Captions

7 months ago

God warns his children of intensifying attacks from their enemies, including attacks on their freedoms, financial system, elections, justice system, and peace. He reassures them that he has given them the tools to stand against these attacks and to trust in him, rather than what they see with their physical senses. God also promises to expose and eradicate China's influence in the nation, as well as the ties of the establishment in Washington with Iran and Britain. He warns of spies and betrayal within the nation, but assures his children that their enemies will fail and be replaced.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:


Today’s Scriptures:

Isa. 54:17
2 Cor. 5:7
1 John 4:4
Deut. 28:7
Mic. 7:8
Deut. 31:8
Eph. 6:10-17
Phil. 4:13
Ps. 27:1-6
1 Sam. 30:1-31
Ps. 18:2-3, 39, 48
Heb. 2:14
Col. 2:15
Romans 10:17


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org



Hey everybody. Today is actually Tuesday, June 25th of 2024. And you will see this on June 27th. So you will see this on Thursday. And the reason for that is because myself and the team are on a prayer retreat, as you have known from the previous broadcast that you've already seen. And I want to give out this word to you today and it is called many attacks Against you will intensify many attacks against you will intensify.

I heard this prophetic word on June 23rd Before I get to that remember Nothing, when God is warning us is anything that we are supposed to fear God will always give us a heads up. We always also have to know that he is near he's Emmanuel God with us. He's not telling us these things to have a defeated mentality or get frustrated or hopeless and in despair.

He's telling us this so we know how to stand. We know how to fight. We know how to pray and that we, these things do come and things do look out of control or do look dark. You will know, well, God said this beforehand and now this is what God told us to do. He's preparing us. for this battle. He's been preparing us for this time where it looks unsettling or it looks darker.

God is preparing his people. And that's something that I've gotten in my heart so much over the past few months in the past, well, almost a year, year and a half. God is preparing his people. And so I know some of you there, you are writing in and we're reading these emails and we're reading your letters that you're sending in.

I've never had this relationship with God before. I've never known the power and the authority that you can have with the word of God. I've never known the word like I do now. Do you see in the course of time, God has strengthened you no matter the attack, because you know Attacks will come because he even said they would.

But he also says in his word, no weapon formed against you shall prosper. The enemy tries multiple different ways of attacking God's people. You can see in the Bible and I will read to you different times the enemy tried to destroy God's people over and over and over again. There's nothing new under the sun.

The enemies always wanted to destroy God's people. That's what he does. But God always has the final say with it and he will always deliver his people. And that's the final, that's the final say God will always have his way. So no matter what the enemies try to do, God's saying, He's here for you. He's here and He will deliver and completely set you free.

So no matter what we see, no matter what we are, that looks like the world's about to experience in any way, this is nothing to get terrified over, nothing to get in fear over. This is something to rejoice. And you say, Julia, how can you rejoice when things look worse? Because you know, when God said things look worse,

our enemies were being defeated, and we will soon see some of them no more because they will be removed from their places of power. In this hour, God is telling us to stand and fight that good fight of faith, and to walk by faith and not by sight. The most amazing thing is, no matter what we experience, We have God, and He's bigger than any enemy, and He's bigger than any adversity.

God is bigger, and God lives inside of you, and He's greater than he that's in the world. And so if you know 1 John 4, 4, and you know when the enemies arise against us, They also scatter before us. There's many different scriptures in the Bible. So 1st John 4, 4 says the greater one lives on the inside of me that he is in the world.

But you also see in like Deuteronomy 28 and verse 7 the enemies come against me one way and they flee before me seven ways. You see all when God arrives, the enemies will be scattered. If we think of all these different scriptures and we encourage ourselves in the Lord, I'm going to read you a scripture where David had to, I know some of you guys already know it and maybe some of you don't, but it's a great story.

But I want to get to this prophetic word. But before that, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, go to our website at jgminternational. org. It's under our contact page where you can reach us. Or you can write us at Julie Greene Ministries International, 4620 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807.

And of course, if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads.Com. Okay? That's all the announcements I like to make. I don't like to make announcements. I hate announcements, but sometimes you have to make them. Because we want to know that people can reach out to us for prayer.

We want to know that we do want to hear from you when God answers your prayer. And I know people ask about merchandise, so I do have to mention it. Okay. But you guys know me, I don't like advertisement. At all. All right. Now I just like to get to the word. Okay. So in this prophetic word, again, this is from June 23rd.

Many attacks against you will intensify. My children, this is a time of many attacks, many types of attacks from your enemies that will intensify. Attacks against your freedoms. Attacks against your financial system, Attacks against your elections, Attacks against your justice system and the rule of law, Attacks against your peace in your minds and peace in your streets.

Even more Attacks against the truth with disinformation and their narrative pouring out from everywhere. Attacks against your cities.

Persecution will look worse for some and look less for others. Attacks against your food supply, attacks against your bodies with viruses and using different types and styles of how they will achieve their goals. Attacks with unrest and warfare in many different ways. My children, I Am not telling you this to bring fear.

I'm telling you this to stand and put on the armor that I have given to you. To shout my words and use my authority. And to watch these attacks Come to nothing against you. I have prepared my children for this time. I have prepared you, anointed you, appointed you. I have given you everything you need to protect your joy, your strength

that I have already provided. I Am the Prince of Peace and I Am always with you. So remember, peace already belongs to you. Trust and rely on me now and not your five physical senses. Rely on my words and not man's. This is the time to trust in me and not anything that you see that's against you. It's nothing compared to the power and the authority that I've given to you.

Your enemy's power is nothing compared to mine. And I will remind you again, I live in you.

No matter the collapse, no matter the darkness, No matter the lie and the narrative they use, my truth will destroy it all. This is a time where things will appear unsettling, but you will see it's for your enemies. Walk as I've told you to walk, by faith and not by sight. This is the time, saith the Lord.

Sorry. This is *that* time. All right now Seaquest. This name will be in your news for an unusual reason. Common Corners. This name will also be in your news for a shocking reason. An Astronaut will be in your news for a significant reason.

My children, I will expose China in your nation. What they have in your government, in your military, and how much land they own, *your land* they own. Farm ground, cattle, farms, cattle farms, pig confinements, businesses that were allowed to take over by your enemies in your capitol. Your government allowed them into your nation to use it to destroy it at the same time.

I will not only *expose* China, but I will also *eradicate* them out of this nation in every way and then destroy their nation. I will expose their ties, their money. They have control by your government with what bills they passed and who was convicted of crimes, and who wasn't. They were allowed to see and hear intel and governmental secrets for bribes and payoffs.

They were allowed to see your weakness as a nation, to take advantage of it. For their strike and for their attacks. Not as you suppose. But in more subtle ways to cause more damage from the inside out. I Am destroying this alliance that China had with the establishment in Washington. This is a time I have told you about of great removals and great reverse reversals on a major scale.

The ones in Washington DC have also had an alliance with Iran, and their terrorist organization. I will show you ties to Rome and Britain. I will show you how England never fully let go of control of your country. How they were allowed to sneak back in. I will tell you, my children, in the land of My Eagle, you have many foreign nations that are designed to do the very thing you see now.

To infiltrate, destroy, and to take over your country. Do

you see your enemies and how they have gaslighted and manipulated this nation to think it was free when they had stolen your real freedoms from you long ago?

The time has come to bring these giants down, to evict them out of your government and your nation. It's time to take it all back. The end of all of this is worth the wait, saith the Lord.

I will expose spies in your land and bring down the ones who brought them here and paid them to destroy your country. A great shock is coming on just how many spies you have all over the place to take your nation down. But *they* will be brought down instead and their plans destroyed.

Caterpillar, I say this name *again*, will be in your news for an unusual reason.

Your enemies will fail at their attempts to sabotage this debate or my David. Watch and see your enemies can't win against me saith the Lord of Hosts.

These are the last of the these are the Biden's [excuse me] last chances and last days to change the minds of the people that are leaving that party in droves; but as you will see people will continue to flee that party. You will see betrayal in the establishment against each other The replacement of a candidate is near and watch how they try to pull this off.

I told you this will not go as they wanted it to go. Your enemies are failing. Your enemies are falling. Your enemies are being replaced. And you will see, by me, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. Now I want to go back over this word, but before, there are some scriptures that the Lord really wanted me to show you with this prophetic word.

And while I was going over it early this morning. And excuse me. I do stumble over words sometimes. I mean, I am a little tired still because it is early but that's okay because that's what i'm supposed to be doing. All right isaiah 54 17. This is something That the lord has talked about over and over and over again With us we should know this scripture inside and out.

We should have great revelation of isaiah 54 17 The reason for that is because the enemy is always on the prowl and the enemies is always attacking with some form of weapon in some form of Discouragement some form of torture whatever he's trying to do to bring you hopelessness To bring you despair and frustration and fear and anxiety and worry and heaviness You He tries all these different types of weapons and warfare, but this scripture is so important to us It says in Isaiah 54 17 But no weapon that is formed against you shall prosper and every tongue that rise against you in judgment You shall show to be in the wrong this peace and righteousness security triumph over opposition in the inheritance of the servants of the Lord Those in whom the ideal servant of the Lord is reproduced.

This is a righteousness or Vindication Which they obtained from me. This is that which I impart to them as their justification. So God says in his word right here, No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper. So we have to know that we have weapons that are formed against us. We should know that.

We should not be surprised. If we ever are attacked in any way, but at the same time, God says, look, no weapon. You have many weapons that are formed against you, but none of them should prosper. We pray this all the time over this ministry. Over our family, over our friends, we pray this over you. That no weapon and how it was designed will prosper against you.

And yes, sometimes you fall down. And sometimes you get discouraged. And sometimes you get into doubt or worry or unbelief. But just like Micah chapter 7 and verse 8 says, Do not rejoice against me, O my enemy. For when I fall, I shall arise. And God will be the light. Into the darkness. I think it's hold on that last part.

I don't want to misquote it I should have gotten help in it Rejoice not against me. Oh my enemy when I fall I shall arise when I sit in darkness The lord should be light unto me. I catch myself if I say it wrong. I'm like, nope, that's not it I gotta go read it. This is one again One of my favorite scriptures because the enemy is always at some type of attack on God's people But it's what we do or how we handle it Is what's important and sometimes we do fall down.

We do get discouraged. We do get frustrated We're human, but this scripture is so powerful So we just read isaiah 54 17 and now we're reading right here in micah chapter 7 in verse 8 Rejoice not against me. Oh my enemy for when I fall I shall arise. So it's talking about sometimes we have Opportunities to get knocked down, but just because we get knocked down doesn't mean we're defeated Amen It doesn't mean it's impossible to get out of that situation.

It just means to brush yourself off, encourage yourself in the Lord, get back up and start fighting that good fight of faith once again. But a lot of Christians, when they do get discouraged and they do fall down, they don't get back up. I've given us an example before in the natural. If you fall down, your natural response, Brush yourself off and get back up again.

You fall off your bike, get back up again. You fall off a horse, get back up again. No matter what you fall or how you fall or how many times you fall. I remember I taught all three of my boys how to ride a bike and no matter how many times they fell, I was always right there to pick them back up again and tell them to get back on the bike.

And I encouraged them that they could do it. No matter how frustrated they were, no matter how just impossible it seemed that they could ride the bikes without the training wheels. I was always there to look them in the face. And give them that smile. And I'm like, I know you can do this. You can you may not think you can but you can I promise you it's not hard It may appear hard because you don't know how to do it yet But you will and that's why we practice and I remember so many times They were just crying and they would just get upset.

I'm sure I know i'm embarrassing them right now But they're a little but I remember looking them and going it's okay And you know that God Is a better mother than I am. He's a better father to his children You He's a good God. And so, you know, that's what he wants to do to us when we fall down and we get discouraged and we don't see how we can possibly do what we know we have to do.

And you know, he just like has that smile on his face going, you can do it. Come on. I'll pick you back up. I'll put you right back where you're supposed to be. That's God. And another thing that God does. Is it gives us strength? It gives us strength to do it. I remember when I was training them how to ride a bike and I had my hand on the seat, you know, and I was Helping them and then I'd let go and they'd start riding and it wasn't till they noticed I had let go They're like then they would start to panic a little bit And then they was like I can't I can't and then I like but you were And so just like sometimes we also when we get into that Part where we're walking in faith and it kind of gets uncomfortable like I can't I can't and God says You You are, you are walking by faith.

You can do it. I've given you the ability to do it. God is that encourager. And no matter how many times even lately that I've gone through certain things, and sometimes you just don't know how you're going to get out of those certain things. I told you like he just talks to you in that middle of that storm and he encourages you He gives you those words that you have to hear God will never leave you in the situation that you're in Especially if you're lying and trusting in him God will never leave you nor forsake you no matter what it looks like God Is absolutely a good God and he's your father.

So let's go to a couple more scriptures So and again in Ephesians 6 and a lot of people know what Ephesians 6 is Ephesians 6 is Talking about we have an armor Well, God has designed us to have this armor an armor of the heavy armed soldier We're soldiers in the army of the Lord So, you know if we're in the army of the Lord and we have an armor You know that there's a reason why we have an armor, right?

There's a reason why God tells us to stand There's a reason why God tells us not to fear Because we'll have opportunities to fall down. We'll have opportunities to fear. We'll have opportunities to get discouraged, but that's why we have the armor on. That's the reason why we're supposed to put out the armor on every day.

And so infusion 610 in conclusion. Be strong in the Lord, be empowered through your union with him, draw your strength from him, that strength which balance might provide. God provides you. Many children of Almighty God say, I can't. I remember one time, just recently, actually, My God, I'm not made for this and I was really really discouraged about something and he said yes You are and anytime that you ever says I can't or I am NOT God will always say the opposite because just like in a Philippians 4 and 13 We can do all things through Christ.

We can do all things We are made for these assignments. We are made for these difficult tasks at hand. He didn't put us in a situation that he didn't give us the ability to get out of it. He is Our way out of it. So let's keep reading Ephesians 6 11 put on God's whole armor in the arm of a heavy armed soldier with God's supplies That you may be able and successfully to stand up against all the strategies and deceits of the devil verse 12 We are not wrestling with flesh and blood and contending with physical opponents But against the deputisms against the powers against the master spirits who are the world rulers If you already said we're not wrestling with flesh and blood or physical opponents

We it's important for you and I to know that because if we don't handle it, right then we could lose We have to handle it, right? The world rulers are this present darkness against the spiritual forces of wickedness and heavily Supernatural sphere remember God can use people so can the devil and that's what you're seeing right now All this evil in the world all this backward thinking all this confusion all this different things that are going on it's Because the enemy is using people against you, against your nation, against your children, against your freedoms.

So if we handle it spiritually, that means using this armor and using the sword of the spirit, which is God's weapon of choice. That's how we win because we're doing it God's way Not our way

verse 13 therefore put on God's complete armor that you may be able to resist and stand your ground On the evil day of danger having done all the crisis demands. So stand firmly in your place Stand therefore hold your ground having tightened the belt of truth around your loins Having put on the breastplate of integrity and have moral rectitude and right standing with God Verse 15 having shod your feet in preparation to face The enemy with firm footed stability, the promptness was readiness produced by the good news of the gospel of peace.

So that's how you have that firm focus foundation on the Father is that you shine your feet with a preparation of the gospel of peace. That means you should know the Word of God. Then it says in verse 16, Lift up over all the covering, the shield of saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked one.

Verse 17, And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, wields which is the word of God. It's important to have the armor on, to know how to use it for protection and defense. So we have defense with the shield of faith. We're, we're standing at that shield of faith is what quenching all the, those fiery flaming and darts and all the attacks of the wicked one.

And then you have the sword of the spirit, which is what you're doing for offensive maneuvers. You're taking that, the sword of the spirit, and you are giving that against, making that against your enemy. You're speaking the words of God. I'll say it right. You're speaking the words of God. You're using that forcefully against him.

And there's nothing that he has in his arsenal that can stop or block the sword of the spirit. If you're using it with the authority of Almighty God. So again, if we are using and knowing the Word of God, Remember, God said, stand and stand therefore, here in Ephesians 6, 13. We're going to have ample opportunities to stand and wait.

For God to move. That's why he said, stand and stand therefore. People say, well, how long do I have to stand? Well, until you don't have to stand anymore. How long is that gonna be? I don't know. Until you don't have to stand anymore. But at some point in time, you will have that, there it is moment, where you stood, and you stood, and you trusted in God, and you believed him, and you used the word, the sword of the Spirit.

You were using it against your adversary. When you were proclaiming the decree, it's like, When you're saying, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. And it's like just using that sword really strong in a heart against your enemy. And if we're speaking the word of God and using it again with God's force, God's strength, God's ability, we'd have to use our strength.

That's why he says in conclusion, be strong, Lord, in the power of his might. It's not our own. So no, even though, no matter the tense, you know, no matter how intense things are going to get, Remember God's bigger and you have that sword of the spirit that's greater than any Weapon in the enemy's arsenal. Go to psalm. I'm watching my time here go to psalm 27

psalm 27 and Look at verse 1 the Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear or dread? The Lord is my refuge and stronghold of my life. Whom shall I be afraid? That's what God's telling us. We shouldn't be afraid. If he is our protector, he's our fortress. He is the one who will deliver us. He's the one who is nothing is impossible.

He is greater than anything that we're experiencing, anything that we feel, anything that we see. God is bigger. Who should we dread? God is on our side. He's never gonna leave us. He is our answer. He is our solution He is our way out. Verse 2, Psalm 27 verse 2 says when the wicked even my enemies and my foes Came upon me to eat up my flesh.

They stumbled then they fell. They were coming to kill him. This is David They're coming to kill him He said even if they're trying to come and kill me they stumble and they fell that means they failed at their attacks Against David verse 3 the way host And camp against me my heart shall not fear the war rise against me even then in this I will be confident most people will be petrified if they were Have an enemy camping around them and they were surrounded and dave was even saying even when the enemies are surrounding me I'm remaining confident Confident in one, confident that God is bigger and God is gonna get him out.

He knew it. He faced a lion. He faced a bear. He faced Goliath. He faced King Saul. And every time God got him through it, maybe not the way he thought, maybe not when he thought, but God got him through it.

Verse four, one thing have I asked the Lord that I will seek, require incessantly, require that I may dwell in the house of the Lord in his presence all the days of my life to behold and gaze upon the beauty, the sweet attractiveness. And delightful lovingness of the Lord to meditate and consider and require a simple meditate on the fact and think upon Just remind yourself over and over the goodness of almighty God how big he is how faithful he is how awesome he is How trustworthy?

He is and be confident Verse five. For in the day of trouble, he will hide me in his shelter. In the secret place of his tent, he will hide me. He will set me high upon a rock. Verse six. And now shall my head be lifted up above my enemies, round about me in his tent. I will offer sacrifices and shouting of joy.

I will sing yes. I will sing praises. To the Lord, David knew the final outcome. He knew no matter how big or how bad the enemy that was around him, no matter how many there were, he knew that God would get him out. God would shield him, would hide him, protect him. And of course deliver him. And that's what we all have to know.

That's why God said, where am I? Josh was where my Caleb's where my David's where my Daniels, where my Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. So no matter what they faced and death was in their face. They still had that faith and trusted in God. I'm not going to get through all of these today. Go to psalm 18.

There's so, you can find so many different scriptures in the Bible to encourage yourself with and I will tell you the one thing when you're under attack is the last thing you want to do is you want to praise and worship or you want to get the word, you want to feel sorry for yourself, you want to sulk and you want, I mean, you have a pity party.

Go A lot of people do. That's normal. And even David did. In the story of Ziklag, in 1 Samuel chapter 30. When he came upon that camp, and everything was gone. His wife, his children, all of his, everyone, all their wives, his entire army. Their city was destroyed, all their money was gone, they lost everything it looked like.

And he fell down, he got discouraged, he got upset.

And he did have a pity party. I mean, he cried to the point he couldn't cry anymore. But, it says, again, you can read this in 1 Samuel chapter 30. David encouraged himself in the Lord, even though it looked like he lost everything. He didn't know if his wife and children and everybody else's wife and children were dead or alive.

And somehow he had to encourage himself in the Lord and go pray. And sometimes that's the last thing people want to do. It's important to go to him. Don't run away from him in times of trouble, run to him. Because just like David said, what do you want me to do, Lord? Pursue, overtake and recover all. And then God said, yes, pursue, overtake and recover all.

And then it shows you later on in verse 19 of 1st Samuel 30, David recovered all. But if he didn't encourage himself in the Lord, he would not have recovered all.

We have to keep our joy, encourage ourself, encourage yourself in the Lord. Remember, if Satan can't steal your joy, he can't keep your goods. So if you encourage yourself, trust in God, you will recover all. So Psalm 18 verse two and three, the Lord is my rock, my fortress, my deliverer, my God, my keen, my firm strength and whom I will trust and take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.

Isn't that awesome? Go read this. Psalm 18, two verse three, I will call upon the Lord who would be praised. So shall I be saved from my enemies. This is where we need to know we are going to be saved from our enemies. We should know this. God has saved his people time and time again from their enemies.

Their enemies will never have what they desired. Not fully. God will save us from our enemy and then read psalm 1839

Psalm 1839 for you have girded me with strength for the battle you have subdued Under me and caused to bow down those who rose up against me So again for you have girded me with strength for this battle God gives you strength for the battle You have subdued me under me and caused a bow down those who rise up against me So again, your enemies are lower.

They will fall and they will fail at everything they do against you, especially if you're trusting in God. And if you look to Psalm 18 and verse 48, Psalm 18 and verse 48 says, who delivers me from my enemies? Yes. You lift me up above those who rise. Up against me. God does lift us up above those who rise up against us.

So see how you can easily encourage yourself with these scriptures. Encourage yourself in the Lord. So I want to also read something to you that he gave me this morning The enemies of almighty God have always attacked God's people but God always delivers his people and destroys His enemy now, I want to say that again The enemies of almighty God have always attacked God's people But God always delivers his people and destroys their enemies That's what I heard this morning when I was studying over this and I was looking through this.

That is what he told me. I wrote it down right away and I knew I had to give it to you. All right, let's go back over this prophetic word. This is the first paragraph. My children, this is time of many times. Types of attacks from your enemies that will intensify attacks against your freedoms attacks against your financial system Attacks against your elections attacks against your justice system and the rule of law Attacks against your peace and your minds and peace in your streets Even more attacks against the truth with disinformation in their narrative pouring out from everywhere Attacks against your cities.

So we're starting to give you all the ways that the enemies are going to start to try to attack Now, they already have attacked us in these certain things, but God said it will intensify. But look, then he says, Persecution will look worse for some and look less for others. Against your food supply, against your bodies, with viruses using different types and styles of how they will achieve their goal.

What's their goal? Depopulation. What's their goal to weaken you? What's their goal to sicken you? What's their goal to make you submit to them? That's their goal. Attacks with unrest and warfare in many different ways. So you can see that already. Warfare, there is There's so much different types of styles of warfare right now.

It's ridiculous. He says my children I Am NOT telling you these things to bring fear. So again, There's all this ridiculousness that's going out there that the enemies are trying to do against us to sabotage us to destroy us to weaken Us to sicken us to kill us whatever it is and God saying look i'm not telling you this to bring fear I'm telling you this to stand and put on my armor that i've given to you to shout my words to use my authority And to watch these attacks come to nothing against you.

Again, if you read Isaiah 54 or 17, know up and form an against me and shall prosper. And also if you read Hebrews 2 and 14, our enemy has been brought to nothing.

And if you look at Colossians 2 15, he has been Disarmed. Brought to nothing. In Hebrews 2. 14. Colossians 2. 15. He's been brought to nothing. That's what we have to know. So he says, I'm telling you this to stand and put your armor I have given to put your armor on I have given to you to shout my words and use my authority to watch these attacks come to nothing.

Against you. I prepared my children for this time. I prepared you anointed you appointed you I have given you everything you need to protect your joy and strength that I provided God has never given you a task at hand that he has not given you the ability to achieve it God has never given you a task at hand.

He's not given you the ability To achieve it. Okay You have to know that I Am the prince of peace and I'm always with you. So remember, peace already belongs to you. Trust and rely on me and not your five physical senses rely on my words and not man's. So when we, again, if you read in Romans 10, 17, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.

So what we need to do is to be able to have more strength, to be able to have more peace, to have that, to encourage ourself in the Lord. We have to get into his word. More word, more faith. More faith, more strength. More strength, we won't fall down as hard. Or, if we won't fall down at all. Faith comes by hearing.

We need to hear God's word more than we're hearing the words of the enemy. This is the time to trust in me and not anything else you see that's against you. This is where God is saying we have to walk by faith And not by sight. It's nothing compared to the power of the authority I have given to you.

Your enemy's power is nothing compared to mine. I will remind you again. I live in you. Read first John four, four, no matter the collapse, no matter the darkness, no matter what lie in narrative they use. My truth. Will destroy it all. God's word is truth. His truth is his will. His will, He'll have his way, and he'll have his way.

The enemies won't have theirs, and the enemies will be destroyed.

This is a time where things will appear unsettling, but you will see it's time for your enemies. Walk as I told you to walk, by faith and not by sight. This is a time. This is that time. Mess it up again. This is that time says the Lord. So he says, this is that time where we're supposed to do what? Walk by faith,

and not by sight. This is that time to walk by faith It means trusting in God what God says and not by your five physical senses and not by what things look like Then he says Seaquest I had to actually Hear him say that more than once it's one word s e a Q u e s t this name. Now. He didn't say it was a phrase or a word.

It's a name he said Seaquest this name will be in your news for an unusual Reason and then Common Corners. He also said this was a name. I thought that was interesting Because common corners seems like Maybe like a phrase or something, but he specifically said a name. So it has got to be a name of something. Common corners. This name will also be in your news for a shocking reason. That's why, you know, prophetically I have to stop and listen. Because you know, you're human and that's why I'm like, okay, is this what you said? Is this what you meant? Because sometimes you can have your natural reasoning try to reason like, is that what that really is?

You know, it, it was common corners. It's a name. So I don't know if it's a business name, but it's a name. And then he says an astronaut will be in your news for a significant reason. So watch something about an astronaut and then this I'm going to read all the way through, and then I will go back over and explain it.

My children, I will expose China in your nation. What they have in your government, in your military, how much of your land they own, farm ground, cattle farms, pig confinements, and businesses that were allowed to be taken over by your enemies. In your capital your government allowed them into your nation to use it to destroy it at the same time I will not only expose china, but I will also eradicate them out of this nation in every way And then destroy their nation.

I will expose their ties their money that they have controlled your government with What bills they pass who was convicted of crimes, and who wasn't. They were allowed to see and hear intel and governmental secrets for bribes and payoffs. They were allowed to see your weakness as a nation to take advantage of it. For their strike and for their attacks, not as you suppose, but in more subtle ways to cause more damage from the inside out.

I Am destroying this alliance that China, Had with the establishment in washington. This is a time. I've told you about of great removals and reversals on a major scale now I want to go back over this because He's saying that they've infiltrated our government, they've infiltrated our military, they've owned much of our farm ground, they own cattle farms, they own pig confinements, they own some of the businesses here in this country, they were allowed to be taken over by our enemies in the capital.

So our enemies in D. C., our government, have allowed them to infiltrate this nation in all ways.

A lot of our government is owned by China. These people are. Blackmail is a bad thing because if you do something wrong, I'm telling you, if you're doing dirty deals with these people, they will hold it against you. Your government allowed them into your nation to use it to destroy it at the same time.

We're going to start seeing a lot of ties to China. I'll not only expose China, but I'll also eradicate them out of this nation in every way and then destroy their nation. Now that is talking about not destroying China, like this entire country, it's destroying its government and its hold on this nation.

So if you live in China, God's not saying he's going to destroy you or destroy the population. He's destroying the evil and the corruption of the government.

Then he says, I will expose the ties and money. They have control your government with. So that money's a big thing with people, money and power. So look, they use money can control our government. So they determined what bills they could pass and who was convicted of crimes and who wasn't. I'm talking about politicians and people that are high of importance.

They were allowed to see their intel and our government secrets for bribes and payoffs. Well, you can see that with the Chinese spy balloons that were allowed to come over. There's like 15 that we know of. That were over our country at one time or another. And that's just what we know of. They were allowed to see and hear Intel.

Great. So what do they know about us? And he says, they were allowed to see your weakness as a nation and take advantage of it. There's a lot. That our government has to own up to. So he says, I'm destroying that alliance. So God will to destroy the alliance of China and the establishment in Washington.

This is a time I've told you about of great removals and reversals on a major scale. Then he goes on to say that ones in Washington, D. C. have had, also had an alliance with Iran and their terrorist organization. I will show you ties to Rome and Britain. I will show you how England never fully let, let go of control of your country, how they were allowed to sneak back in.

I will tell you my children in the land of My Eagle, you have many foreign nations that are designed to do the very thing you see now to infiltrate, destroy and take over your government or take over your country. So what are you saying right here is even England. Now, remember we had a war with great Britain.

That was American revolutionary war for our freedom. And we got our freedom for a time, but they snuck in back in. So there's a lot of ties between England and our government. And you'll start to see that in Rome and Iran and China and Ukraine and all these different countries. It's a cesspool. That's why it's hard.

It's hard. It's going to be hard. And I'm trying to laugh it off because it's so ridiculous. It's so horrible that this was right in front of our face for so long and we, we didn't see it, but God, that's why he's allowed certain things to happen. He's allowed us to see this. And it's, it's such a blessing.

That he's allowed us to see what's really going on. So we know how to pray about it. He says do you see do you see your enemies? How they have gaslighted and manipulated this nation to think it was free when they had stolen your real Freedoms from you long ago.

He's been talking to us about that for a while It looked like and appeared like we were free when we weren't The time has come to bring these giants down to evict them out of your government and your nation It's time to take it all back the end of this Is worth the wait so a lot of people I know are getting very impatient because it's taking so long and God's saying hey It will be worth the wait just like i'm sure the red sea was worth the wait No matter how much the plagues they saw and what they were dealing with in the in egypt And how much persecution they were getting and how much just how much darker it got before they released Once they saw the Red Sea and then once they saw their enemies being destroyed, it was worth the wait for them.

And it seemed like it probably at the time when they were still in Egypt, but it was worth the wait. I will expose spies in your land and bring down the ones who brought them here and pay them to destroy your country. So again, we've had infiltrated, God said, but he's infiltrated infiltrators. And so he's going to bring them down.

A great shock is coming on how many spies you have all over the place to take your nation down, but they will be brought down instead and their plans destroyed. So God is going to expose the infiltrators. God's going to expose the plans and God's going to expose the ones who paid them to be here. And then he mentions Caterpillar again.

Now this company has been named before in prophetic words, And he says they will be in the news for an unusual reason. So Caterpillar will be in the news for an unusual reason. I'm guessing it's the company. I mean, it could be something else, but all right. So it says your enemies will fail at their attempts to sabotage this debate or my David.

So as you can, I'm telling you, they're trying to sabotage this debate. They're trying to set up president Trump to make him look bad, to try to, Make everything on him and not against Biden. So we had to pray, but God says they will fail at their attempts. We'll pray that, you know, president Trump says exactly what God needs him to say and when he needs to say it and handles it the way God wants him to handle it.

Because you know, they're going to try to trap him in certain ways and make him look bad. And you know, that's what they do, but God says they're not going to win. So watch the debate or watch here about the debate and see what happens. But. God says their attempts will fail against him. These are the days.

I'm gonna read this again. I don't know why. I'll start this again. These are the Bidens last chances and last days to change the minds of the people that are leaving that party in droves. But as you will see, people will continue to flee that party. You will see betrayal in the establishment against each other.

The replacement of a candidate is near. And watch how they will pull this off. I told you this will not go as they wanted it to go. So you will see his last chances. His last chances are this debate. This debate.

You already are seeing guys have been talking about them replacing him since December of 2021. He was giving me prophecies about replacing the Biden. And people probably thought that was crazy. But now all of a sudden you're starting to see and hearing the rumors all over news media that they're going to replace him.

Now they even have the person that they're gonna place him with. Somebody's waiting in the wings that God has mentioned that I've been talking about for a long time. Michelle Obama or Gavin Newsom, I'm pretty sure it's gonna be Michelle Obama. I know they laugh that off and the enemy's like, oh no, she's not going to just wait.

Your enemies are failing. Your enemies are falling. Your enemies are all being replaced. You'll see by me say at the Lord jury redeemer. So they're thinking replacing the Biden is gonna be enough. And God says I'm replacing them all. So in this prophetic word, in this teaching, I hope this is encouraging you.

So no matter what we see, how things intensify, how things will look worse, God is telling you it doesn't matter what things look like. We're supposed to lean, trust, and rely on Him. He's got us. He is bigger. The enemies will fail. They're the ones who are being removed. They're the ones who are being replaced.

They're the ones who are being evicted. They're the ones that will fall and they will fail. And God says even he sits in the heavens and laughs because he sees the defeat of the enemy is coming. So we should be sitting and we should be laughing and we should be knowing. That God sees that defeat and so should we believe and trust in that So I want to pray over this nation.

I want to pray over of course president trump. I also want to pray to encourage all of you to stand And not to be moved by no matter what we are about to see. So heavenly father, right now in Jesus name, I just want to thank you for these prophetic words. I want to thank you father God, for this revelation that you're giving to us on a daily basis.

Father God, a revelation in your word, how to stand, how to fight, how to pray, how to not give up, how to not quit. I want to thank you father God, that you have prepared each person. You have strengthened them and you have anointed and appointed each and every one of them for the assignments. That you have for them in this very day, in this very hour.

I thank you, Father God, for showing them how important they are to you. For showing them how important they are to this world. For showing them how important they are to the body of Christ. And this great awakening. I thank you, Father God, for showing them how much they are loved by you. And how much they are protected by you.

And I want to thank you, Father God, that is being ingrained in them. That no weapon formed against them shall prosper. Amen. Amen. That they can do all things through Christ. I thank you Father God for allowing us all to see all the things that the enemies are doing but also at the same time watching how great you are to destroy it all.

Right before our face. Father God, I thank you for what you're doing in our nations. I thank you for what you're doing in the body of Christ. I thank you, Father God, that we call, we command, we decree, the enemies of Almighty God will fall and they will fail at every attack and attempt against this nation.

They will fall and fail at the attacks against the seat of the president, against our nation. President Trump. I thank and praise you, Father God, that for his protection, and that you think through his mind, and you speak through his lips, exactly what he needs to say for this very day and this very hour.

Father God, that President Trump is led by you, because he is anointed and appointed by you. I thank you, Father God, and he will do your will, and everyone that's around with, around him. I thank and praise you, Father God, that enemies Will not have their way with him, this nation, our elections, our health, and our freedom in any way.

These are the days That they will be cut off and we say it. These are the days our enemies will be cut off. These are the days our enemies will be brought to nothing. And we thank you father God for it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Well, I hope it's encouraged you today. Truly. I truly hope it's encouraged you.

God is on the move. And God is going to do something about everything that is against us and everything that we see. God wins! Remember? We have that with Three Sunstruts, has all that merchandise. God wins, buck God, make America pray again. These are the things we have to encourage ourselves with. It's not just, You know, hats or shirts or whatever it's things that people have to have those statements down on the inside of them to know that God does win.

And anything that we see, we say, but God, God will have the final say because he does. So I hope to encourage you today, please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone you know, who needs to hear an encouraging word, who needs to hear the truth because the truth will set you free. God loves you.

I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

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