every worthwhile person i've ever met loves being alone

7 months ago

doin this channel for the future
the internet remembers everything don't it
no i'm not yer type cos i'd rather be w/ me
they just won't ask themselves questions
why do people do this
that poor dog over there
they stopped cos they knew you wouldn't appreciate it amy
my dumbass wanted to play music on the fourth of july
beautiful spider right there
female spiders spin more webs
if women can do what men can do that means there is sumin tremendous about them
ag explains channel name
iconoclastic due to american culture not religion
circumcision is child abuse
used to be bitter? really amy really
my antagonism towards families had everything to do w/ my political views back then
internetville does not allow anyone to make a mistake
this is pretty close to the real me
you're the way that you are, i am the way i am
women are supposed to have manners n look decent
at least i'm still skinny
i have a lotta fat friends
did i mention that i work at a restaurant...in the south
i cannot help you sexually or romantically, sorry
even w/ my own friends i find myself disassociating

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