The Curators- For the Kennedy Curious with Dr. Peter McCullough

7 months ago

The Curators welcomes Dr. Peter McCullough, renowned cardiologist, internist and epidemiologist, for a discussion about medical challenges facing our population today. (We do not offer medical advice. Please consult with your physician.)

Dr. McCullough raises significant questions surrounding pandemic responses and the policies that led to significant excess deaths in our country. He notes how his recommended protocols, which are well documented, could have led to far better patient outcomes. More importantly, we discuss how the NEXT pandemic may arrive sooner than many believe. What will our preparedness level be?

Dr. McCullough has worked incredibly hard to deliver one of the most important messages of our era. Elena Monarch offers her expertise in a lively discussion which should leave listeners asking the important questions.

We believe this is fundamentally a political problem, with a political solution. That solutions can best be delivered by the Kennedy/Shanahan ticket.
Dr. Peter McCullough,
Chief Scientific Officer, The Wellness Company,
President, McCullough Foundation,
Author, Courage to Face COVID-19:
Radio Show:

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