FlyOver Conservatives-Prophecies-AMERICA SHALL BE SAVED-The Prophetic Report-Stacy Whited-Captions

8 months ago

In a series of prophetic messages from various speakers, several significant themes and warnings have been highlighted for May 2024. Tony Suarez and Hank Kunneman, in their Flash Point Northern Lights address, emphasized upcoming divine interventions. Donna Rigney spoke extensively about spiritual shifts and the importance of being prepared for divine actions. Sid Roth, in his session, underscored the urgency of understanding and aligning with God's plans. Robin D. Bullock, in two separate messages, revealed visions of significant changes and challenges ahead. Amanda Grace discussed a prophetic vision regarding a major change of leadership on Earth, signaling a transformative period. Julie Green delivered a message from May 11th, emphasizing imminent shifts and the necessity of spiritual vigilance. Tim Sheets spoke about the importance of divine timing and preparation, while Dutch Sheets highlighted the need for faith and readiness in the face of impending changes. Together, these messages call for awareness and spiritual readiness for significant forthcoming events.

Are you ready for Shofar-Blowing, Jesus praising, Power-Packed Wednesday Morning session with Stacy Whited?! If not, then get your mind right because we are LIVE at 11:11AM CST.



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𝗩𝗶𝗱𝗲𝗼𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗥𝗲𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗲𝘀 𝗥𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗼𝘄 -

Flash Point Northern Lights May 14, 2024
Tony Suarez September 17, 2021 and Hank Kunneman December 1,2023
0 - 5:11

Donna Rigney May 14, 2024
10:54 - 22:40

Sid Roth May 14, 2024
0 - 14:21
17:06 - 23:22

Robin D Bullock CI May 12, 2024
1:19:32 -1:27:06

Robin D Bullock 11th Hour May 14, 2024
53:48 - 57:00
35:23 - 41:34

Amanda Grace May 13, 2024 When Ben Stops Judah Begins: A Major Changing of the Guard in the Earth
10:44 - 28:18

Julie Green given on May 11, 2024 delivered May 14, 2024
19:23 - 30:18

Tim Sheets May 12, 2024
11:47 - 15:42

Dutch Sheets May 13, 2024
0 - 11:29


I want to to talk to you guys about the northern lights. This was really interesting as I was going through social media. I kept seeing all of these pictures from all over the country. I saw ones from Kansas. This is a friend of mine from Kansas. Uh no, I'm sorry from Arizona but they put this one up part of flyover family, Jackie and Paul. They put this up. These are incredible pictures but she was from Wisconsin and she's like, look what I'm seeing in Arizona. I want to show you the next one from a family member that Lives in Wisconsin. Beautiful picture from there as well. That's Kelsey, one of our my nieces and then finally the last one, this was a friend from high school, Amy. She put this up from Kansas. Look at these pictures of the northern lights from all over and I kept thinking, God, I really think that this is prophetic. What are you saying? Um if you guys remember, I I played the the song a while back and I kept singing that song about the stars and the moon. What God is speaking through the skies, what he is and then Terry Strange sent me this video yesterday I was so excited it was from Flashpoint with prophetic words about the northern lights this first one was from Tony Suarez from September the 17th 2021 talking about northern lights what's going to happen after and the next one is Hank Kunaman December the 1st 2023 both talking about the northern lights that we are seeing right now check this out so last several nights you may have heard something about the northern lights. Let me show it to you. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. It's the stunning and rare skyshow captivating the nation from coast to coast. I can't believe what I'm seeing. The Aurora Borealis lighting up the night sky from Wisconsin to the Arizona Desert and even as far south as Florida. This is insane. The vibrant greens, purples, pinks popping up across the planet but being caused by this, a massive geo magnetic storm on the sun. The night sky raising the curtain on a rare spring light show well worth staying up for alright so we we've heard reports from all across the country people staying up getting up early to go watch and see and of course we're seeing pictures and video but you may be interested to hear there was actually a prophetic word from this and this one wasn't pastor Hank Pastor Hank had a word for this but it was later this comes from 2021 from Open the Heavens Conference this was one year after we had started Flashpoint Pastor Tony Suarez, watch what he said. I heard the lord say, you tell my people to look to the sky. Look to the heavens because I'm about to show them things in the sky that they normally do not see. I'm going to shine the northern lights and they will be seen in places where they normally do not appear as well as places where they have never been seen before and it is a sign saith the lord. It is a sign saith the lord. Just like a select few have witnessed the northern lights. My select few kingdom warriors are about to stand in awe at what I am about to show them says the spirit of God because I am going to shine the light of revival in places where you normally don't hear about revival and in places that have never seen revival and what I am doing in Nebraska and what I am doing in Iowa is the precursor for what I the lord am about to do in the nations of this world. Nations of this world, Tony, what what an amazing word and boy, it sure was accurate it was just several years coming well yeah and and since that prophetic word I remember pastor Hank told me so when you come to Nebraska there's a different anointing right that just comes on you on that platform and we've seen since then just think about it the mass baptisms in California the last two years the mass baptisms taking place on the beaches of Florida right now college campuses we're seeing revival breakout in Seattle California is in revival places that we weren't seeing it before it's broke out and we continue to see this pattern in the northern lights being seen. There's an article today that says get ready to see him again and I'm just believing we're going to see greater increase of the move of God across this nation and the nations of the world. That's right and and we are seeing it and I don't know if you know this Tony but revival isn't coming. Revival is here. There you go. Alright, let me bring in fresh off a birthday celebration. Pastor Hank Kuneman. Hey, Pastor Hank, welcome back. Uh we missed you in Lubbock but I noticed your glad you had a good time let's talk about this Northern Lights thing because you actually had a word as well about this yeah well actually this was in December 1st of 2023 at Pastor Chan's Flashpoint live and again I want to remind people we're going to be back with Flashpoint in September 11th through the 14th, you're going to be the opening night Flashpoint and God always seems to speak at that event so be looking for that but this was from December 1st and I just want to say this and This is what God said and he said there people are saying God we're hearing things that are causing our hearts to be troubled that cause our hearts to be in fear. Is there a day of justice? Is there a day of indication? Is there a time where God you will come and you'll bring about change. And God says I'm the God of light and I'm coming now in a way that you've not understood. And I'm coming in a way that shall cause darkness to begin to be disrupted, interrupted, and abated. And then he says this they will say what are these strange lights? What are these strange lights as we look up that come it seems from the heavens in areas in our cities. What is happening with these strange phenomenon of moving lights, brilliance of color. We have not seen this before. The spirit of God says, I will show not only this in the state of California but I will show these wonders across the United States. Now, listen to this. This will happen in 20twenty-four. So, God was telling us December 1st, 2023 that these brilliant colors of light would begin to happen in 20 twenty-four. Why? God showing us Matthew four sixteen. Those that sat in darkness are seeing a great light, revival, awakening. Isaiah sixty, arise, shine, the light has come. It's coming and the glory of the lord will be seen on us and God is dealing with darkness and gross darkness. So, this is very exciting what the lord is trying to tell us at this time. One other thing pastor Jean, this is the first time on record that all 50 states have seen the northern lights at the same time wow isn't that so exciting and they are absolutely beautiful put in the comments if you've seen them in your area we'd love to hear about that as well so absolutely amazing I want to take you I I want to highlight I guess first of all before I move on I wanted to highlight what was said there in that prophetic word from Hank Kunum in December the 1st 2023 day of justice day of vindication and a day of change we're going to hear more about that in fact I I'm going to take you now to Donna Rigney. It's so good to hear from Donna Rigney. Make sure you're continuing to pray for her as she has the loss of her husband. Um it was so good to see her and exciting to see what the Lord is saying through her. She was given this word on May the 9th 2thousand twenty-four. She released it on May the 12th two thousand twenty-four and you're going to hear about our nation being restored. You're going to hear about great changes that are coming. She's also going to talk about the lights in the sky and she's going to talk about time that we spend with Jesus. What that does to us and for us. It's absolutely amazing. Check this out. So, I'm going to share from from what he spoke to me in my journal about this, okay, where we're at now. It's very encouraging because I I think we're in the place of about ready to break out and know this freedom. We're seeing signs of it. We're seeing signs of the things. Back three years ago, there weren't people on the streets worshiping. There weren't people getting water baptized huh and the college lot of the colleges there's reports of revivals breaking out in the colleges too so this is what he said to me he said yes this is the time I spoke to you about in the past it is a time for great changes these changes will affect both people individually and nations as well so he's saying the changes that are coming aren't just going to change a nation but they're going to change us personally individually okay are we ready for that Yes. Huh? We are ready for changes in all of our lives, okay? He said, for those who followed my son, they will be wonderful changes, okay? For those people who have been faithful and following Jesus during all this time, what we've been going through. He said, these changes are going to be wonderful, cool? Uh you guys are already starting on this change, huh? You've launched it out and I see it on your faces, okay? He said, but for the reprobates, they will experience dire changes. So, changes coming and it's going to be very good for the people that are following Jesus but for those that refuse to follow him and are really doing their own thing and following the enemy, these changes are not going to be good for them, okay? He said, all these changes will be significant. They're not going to be minor changes. They're going to be significant, okay? Just like it's a significant change that happens from a caterpillar to a butterfly, alright? Oh, both the good and the bad changes. So, they will be significant in so far as the people that are having changes that weren't following Jesus and will be significant for the ones that were, alright? He said, as significant as the transformation a caterpillar undergoes when it is transformed into a butterfly. The prayers of my beloved children have been heard and will be answered. Thank you, lord. This is where we're at. If my people, huh, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray. Huh. Turn from their wicked ways seek my face then I will hear from heaven and I will heal their land alright their cries for justice peace restoration healing prosperity are these are things we've been crying out for huh justice peace prosperity healing huh restoration in our families restoration for our jobs and our finances okay he said they will answered as I do grant them all they ask for as well as a new found freedom and the whole time he was speaking this to me I kept hearing freedom freedom that that was so important to him he didn't want me to miss that he was saying freedoms coming in this change you're going to know a new freedom alright we the enemy has been trying to rob us of our freedoms oh ha thing after another. Oh between COVID with the mass and the the mandates for vaccines. There were so many ways we were losing our freedoms. And it continues with the woke culture and you can't say this and you can't say that. And and in Canada they're being imprisoned for things that they said years ago. So there's just the enemies after our freedom. But God says in this change freedom's coming. Going to get your freedoms restored to you, alright? He said, yes. They will be free. Who will be free? Those that are following Jesus, okay? They will be free to live happy, productive lives just as I intended. So, God wants us to be free from all strongholds, all oppression. When the Israelites were in captivity, huh? Enslaved in Egypt, they weren't free. They weren't bit free and God sent a deliverer Moses and the whole nation was set free. Can a nation be saved in a day? Yes. Yes. Okay? Is God the same yesterday, today, and forever? Yes. He told me time doesn't change me. Okay? He's awesome. Awesome God. The heavy yoke of oppression will be lifted off their shoulders. So, whose shoulders? I shoulders, okay? God wants us free. He said, the nations will be restored to us, the father, son, and Holy Spirit and will reflect our beauty and goodness by the outpouring of our glory. Oh, alright? Can we can we believe what an awesome God we have that he's going to bring this to pass? He's saying it. It's going to be by the outpouring of his glory and that the nations going to be return to him. He made this world. It's his. And the enemy robbed it from him robs is robbing us of our freedoms our joy our peace so many things God says no this is the hour I'm coming to take it back oh ha and that's why I feel this the Aurora Borealis sky that's like nothing we've ever seen before all over is a to me it's a sign that God is saying I'm coming I'm coming to take back the land I'm not talking the second coming of Jesus I'm talking about the great outpouring of his glory the great outpouring of his presence I'm coming and I'm bring some of heaven to the earth. Amen. He said, this will happen to my faithful children too. I'm going to read it from the beginning again. The nations will be restored to us and will reflect our beauty and goodness by the outpouring of our glory. This will happen to my faithful children too, okay? So, his children are going to reflect his glory, not just the nations but us individually. We're going to look resemble him more and more and more, okay? He said, as submitted in our glory they will absorb our beauty goodness and great love so the more we spend time in the glory the more we spend time in his presence we absorb his goodness we absorb his love do you want to be more loving oh do you want to be more patient do you want to be more kind huh do you want to be more generous huh do you want to be more genuine and transparent spend time with just spend time with him. Ho ho ho and he'll just marinate you. You know when you going to cook a piece of meat and you want it to really taste good. You get some marinade and you soak it in marinade. Maybe overnight even. And then boy is it good? The flavor of that marinades right through the whole piece of meat. That's what God's saying. He's saying spend time with me. Soak in my presence. Oh ha. And My essence, my fragrance, my flavor will be all over you and what is he? God is love. Yes. You want more love? Spend time with love. Ho and he said, that's what's going to happen during this great outpouring of his glory. Nations are going to be changed like that. Ho and individuals are going to be changed like that. Ho. We don't have to wait. We can stop right now soaking in the glory. Ho. Yeah. You want to be nicer to your spouse, spend time with God. That's true. It's that's the truth. I'm telling you. He just causes you to be so much like him and he just talks to you and you're in his presence, you're meditating on his word and without you even realizing, he's rubbing out some of those rough edges. You know, oh he's getting rid of some of the temper. It's getting rid of some of the selfishness, self absorption. He he rubs it up. You don't even know it. You don't even feel it. It's just like, oh God, you're so good. He makes it painless alright we don't do it in our own strength huh not by power not by might but by his spirit alright Then he said this, my glory is just. Yes. My glory is just. He said, that is a big part of my glory. Justice walks with my goodness. We know righteousness and justice are the foundation of his throne. Oh, but he said, glory and his justice walk hand in hand, okay? He said, justice will manifest mightily in this time of change, okay? So, they're inseparable his glory is just and so he says when I pour out my glory you're going to see justice don't we want justice huh aren't we sick of injustice we need justice Donald Trump needs justice huh the people that are in prison from January 6th they need justice huh Peter Navarro needs justice huh oh so many need justice our children going to schools and being brainwashed need justice. Our college students being used as pawns. They need justice. Alright? And God's saying when my glory's poured out you will see my justice. Oh ha. Whoa huh? Alright. He said, justice will manifest mightily in this time of change. As individuals are led by my spirit, in my glory, they will be led to make just choices and will not be manipulated by the corrupt or self absorbed, okay? So, individuals are going to be filled with the glory and God's glory is going to cause them to make just decisions, just choices, okay? And they're not going to be manipulated by people that are self don't we get manipulated sometimes by people that were if we don't do what they want oh boy watch out you know the boom is going to get lowered you know I don't know what we think is going to happen but we get manipulated but you know and God said that won't happen anymore because my glory is going to bring my justice and it's going to help them make just decisions and just choices that's us oh we need he told me all you need is my glory everything you need is in my glory because his glory and his presence are the same thing. It's him. We're receiving him. Wow. So powerful. You know, it just made me think and I remember when our kids were growing up, we would always tell em the people you spend the most time with, you're going to be more like, you know, so be careful of the friends that you choose and that you know, we've been very aware of that in our life as well and then you think about what she was saying about God. The more you spend time with God, the more you're going to be like him. If there's an area in your life, you're like, man, I need a in that. Spend time with God and you'll become more like him inevitably those rough places will be taken away by God and you won't even know it which is absolutely amazing. So powerful. We're going to hear more about the freedom that she was talking about. We're going to hear more about his glory. We're going to hear more about justice but first, I want to take you to the Prophetic Report. com. I want to take you to a written prophetic word by Barry Wench. Now, this is interesting because I received it my sister last week and I thought this is really good I didn't feel like at that time I was supposed to put it in the prophetic report but I read through it I was like oh this is really really good kind of received it for you know what God's doing in this time and then she sent it again this week but I also received it from Cheryl York and I'm like okay God because this word was not released last week or even two weeks ago this word was released on March the 27th, 2, 000 twenty-fourand I felt like God was like alright this has to be in the prophetic Report. So I'm really excited about reading this with you today. God gave this prophetic word to bury once on March the 27th 2000 twenty-four. And I just say as as I'm reading this maybe just position yourself to receive what God has for you through this word because it is to individuals in the body of Christ. And this is what it says. I am repositioning many in this hour. The Holy Spirit woke me early this morning and shared this with me. Barry, tell my people that I am repositioning many in this hour. I'm bringing them into position not only for what is ahead but also for what the other side for the other side of what is coming. For I am releasing you for there is a harvest coming in that you are called for. Your old religious and political ways will no longer suffice they in fact are dirty rags to me. Walk with me and let me bring you into your real identity. Putting striving and performance behind you. Walk with as I reveal my love to you and show you what it's like to just be my precious son and daughter. Gosh that reminds me of what we just heard from Donna. For it is out of this place you will come into everything I have called you for. This there is no other way. I am calling you out of comfortable and predictable boxes. I am transplanting those among you who have grown root bound and are no longer growing or flourishing to new ground where you shall be planted by others who shall enhance your growth. You shall flourish and flower again. I am extracting those who are dry in the desert. They are withering away to nothing. I see you. I will extract you and transplant you into an environment that will bring you back to life. You will be stronger and more hearty. Able to sustain anything that comes to you and what you are called to do. There will be others who shall stake themselves to you with me so they can grow healthy and loving community. No longer shall you be I isolated. I am breaking many out of glass boxes, glass structures where you were never created to be confined in, never allowed to come into the fullness of your giftings. Frustrations will be a thing of the past. I am removing you from these glass structures where there have been unjustified restrictions and spiritual abuse by insecure leaders. Unreasonable control, unattainable measures all intended to hold you back. I will heal and restore all. You shall come into true relationship with healthy and whole loving spiritual mothers and fathers. I am moving many away from dry wells into wells that flow with the fullness of my spirit. Behold me as never before. Draw unto me in this hour. You are safe with me. I will never leave or abandon you. I will place a ring on your finger and all will know that you are mine. Holy is the Word of the Lord. Wow Father. I just feel that I'm supposed to pray right now. So God I just thank you for this powerful word of what you are doing right now in the body of Christ and I know that there were several people that were listening today that felt like that's me God. That is me. And God I just I just pray that we're able to just rest in your presence to not try to make that happen but just know that you are going to put us in the positions. We're just called to be with you. And and be obedient to what calling us to do. God I just pray that as we are hearing your voice that we step forward and we're doing the things that you call us to do. If it's moving to another church. If it is changing another to a different job. If it is just being where we are but trusting you in what you're calling us to do. God we just love you. We worship you. We trust you. Thank you for the people that you're moving in our lives and maybe people that you're moving out of our lives. God we just give you our future. We give you our destiny and we partner with you we say yes and amen to your plans and God as people listen to this maybe there was a flicker of hope that was given to them and I just pray that that hope is protected that God you hide that under your wing it cannot be blown out like a candle from the enemy but God it is a protected light that you've given them and that hope continues to grow into faith we love you we worship you we give you all the praise and all the glory in the name of Jesus Christ we pray amen So powerful. What a great word. You again, you can find that at the Prophetic Report. com under Written Prophetic Words. I want to take you now to Sid Roth. This is from September the fourteenth 2000 twenty-four and a lot of what we just said about what God is getting ready to do about his glory, about healing, about all of that encounters with him. Sid's going to also talk about but he's also going to talk about what's going on in Israel Where they are situated right now, how that pertains to the United States, and how we are connected. Check this out. Now most people know that this is the 76th anniversary of the nation Israel. And to me the greatest proof there is a God in heaven. The greatest proof the Bible comes from our God in Heaven is the Jew and the nation Israel because God said about the Jewish people it could have been so easy for the word of God to fail because he said something impossible he said first of all we would be persecuted in whatever nation we went to after our our city was destroyed he said wherever we go we'd be persecuted for 2000 years wherever we went outside of the United States of America but you see what's going on now never in my lifetime did I think the United States of America would turn so anti Jewish so anti Semitic that Jewish college kids are fearful to go to college right now so quickly we must be getting closer to the return of the Messiah than most us even thought but this is the 76th birthday if you will of Israel and there is a connection a spiritual connection between the United States of America and the nation Israel the United States of America were was formed in 1776 the declaration of independence Israel this is their 76th birthday have you ever noticed in the name when you spell it out Jerusalem J E R U S A L E M what did I say in the middle of Jerusalem USA USA is right in the center of Jerusalem it's as if this truth is emphasized by God God as in Genesis twelve three I God will bless those who bless the Jewish people and I God will curse those who curse them Zechariah two eight really nails it down for he who touches you Israel touches the apple of his eye you know I studied these words in the original Hebrew and rather than apple of his eye it's the pupil it's the center of your eye I I love to live Bible translation of that. He who touches you Israel post their finger in God's eye. I would want to be so foolish. Now I am very concerned about the United States of America. Why? Because we have just done what Zechariah says don't do. What Genesis twelve three says will open up a curse. And a curse costless does not rest there's always a cause for a curse and one of the major causes for a curse God uses and this is a spiritual truth you figure this out you figure a lot of the news out before the reporters know it and that is God uses Israel to judge the nations what you do to Israel will result in blessings or curses on your nation. But God punishes Israel for their own sins himself. What's that statement? I don't want to fall into the hands of an angry God. I'll tell you what. Uh I'd rather the nations punish me than than God himself. So it's not it's it's equal justice. God God is a their God. But Israel from a Muslim viewpoint they call it the nation Israel especially on their birthday today. The great catastrophe. I call it the greatest miracle to prove there's a living God. Because the Bible says that not only would we be scattered to the four corners of the earth but a nation would be formed in one day and that's exactly what God did for the nation of Israel he formed the nation of Israel in one day and then it goes further it says the Jews who would be scattered to the four corners of the earth would be supernaturally preserved as a distinct people to me as I said earlier it's one of the greatest miracles I I know is that God honored his word he says as long as there's a sun and moon and stars there'll be a physical Jew on the face of this earth and if he wanted to prove the Bible or anyone wanted to prove the Bible isn't from God then you would get rid of all the Jewish people hm I wonder why this increase in antisemitism is going on I wonder who's behind it I wonder who hates the Jewish people I wonder how this was instigated so quickly we can say oh it was instigate instigated by Muslim radicals. Now, they're not so smart. No human is that smart. It was instigated, instigated because the administration in the United States sadly right now is one of the most anti-Semitic administrations in my lifetime. Our only friend, our only friend, our only democracy, our only democracy in the Middle East is the nation Israel. Our only friend. Our only democracy. And what does Biden do to our only friend in the Middle East? The only democracy in the Middle East. He pokes Israel in their eye. He says no weapons to Israel but in the meantime we'll give billions of dollars to Iran who uses the money on their satellite nations to attack Israel. It's you can't have it both ways Genesis twelve three you're either a blessing to Israel or a curse and sadly because I'm American and I am Israeli I have dual citizenship I'm Jewish and I'm a strong believer in Jesus I see I believe there's one God for the whole world his name forever according to the Torah is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob and there's one Messiah for the whole world. The Jew, Jesus. Remember what it said when he hung on the cross? Lot of people forget that. It said when he hung on the cross, the king of the Jews. I want to read a Psalm and the reason I want to read this to you is because there are two things going on today. Number one, the seventy-6th anniversary of Israel and number two, this country was formed in 17 what? Seventy-six. So, the the the two are connected together. And if one curses the other, it's a boomerang. Now, I know I I have to correct that. If Israel curses the United States and God doesn't think the United States deserves it, God will punish Israel. But the truth of the matter is What's coming out of our White House? What's coming out of all this hatred for Israel? Why are Jewish students in my lifetime? I never thought this we would see the the the forerunner of what happened in Hitler's Germany. That's what we're seeing right now. Never in my lifetime in the United States of America. I think this would happen. But nations have times the births and times they die. And I I I don't have to be a prophet to tell you he that touches Israel. He that curses Israel pokes their finger in God's eye. Let me read a little bit of the seventy-sixth Psalm the New International Version. Why am I reading Psalm seventy-six? Because the seventy-sixth anniversary of Israel and this nation was formed in seventeen seventy-six. God is renowned in Judah. Lot of people don't realize this. God's reputation is based on his promises to the Jewish people and the nation Israel. God is renowned in Judah. In Israel, his name is great. It didn't start with Islam saying his name is great. No, it started with David. King David it said his name it no it actually was a different person that wrote Psalm seventy-six but his name is great and this is my favorite line in the in this entire Psalm 76 and it's just in the NIV translation this clearly you are radiant with light God is renowned. He's radiant with light. Do you remember when Jesus went up to the mount of transfiguration? And he was radiant with light. Boy, I'd like to see that someday. I'm not so sure I'm not going to see that except I'm going to see something even more amazing than Jesus being radiant with light. What what what could be even greater than that. What if I'm radiant with light? What if you're radiant with light? I believe that the closer we get in intimacy with God and by the way, it's a grace is not works that anyone can boast but the greater glory is about ready to be poured out on planet Earth and what happened at the colleges did not happen because of radical Islam. No, happened because of radical devil that's why it happened there is a radical devil but the radical devil has shown his best hand what he's done with our young kids Muslims and non Muslims and the protests and the anger level and and the hatred I mean, it's it's almost like a movie script. It's almost surreal. It's almost like I can't believe that's happening in the United States of America but it is happening all over. It's even spreading to different parts of the world and candidly, I've I've always felt Jesus is returning soon but I didn't believe it in my heart. I didn't believe he was coming that soon but I felt he was coming that soon because I said it so many times but I believe that he's coming sooner than any of us think. Let's read a little bit more from Psalm seventy-six. You are radiant with light. Boy, I could just land right there. You are going to be. You are going to be radiant with light. I am going to be radiant with light. More majestic than mountains rich with game and back there, they didn't have refrigerators and they didn't have grocery stores and And they needed a mountain that was rich with so they could have food to eat. At your rebuke God of Jacob, both horse and chariot, they lie still. Can you picture being a Jewish person walking through the Red Sea as if it was dry land and the Egyptians follow and they sink and they die with the best chariots the world has to offer no there is nothing compared to experiential knowledge of God there is nothing compared to knowing God as opposed to believing in him. Believing in him is the first step. Knowing him is the landing place. Most Christians have never landed. They've taken that first step. What about you? Can you say that you have experiential knowledge with God? I can tell you it's very very simple. Number one, you have to know it's possible. Most Christians don't even know it's possible. They think, oh, you would become a minister or priest or something, a if you had experiential knowledge of God. A saint. No I'm talking about being normal. As defined by the Bible. It's time for everyone viewing me right now to be normal. It's not an accident you're watching this show. It's not an accident you continued watching this show. Because God wants you to have an encounter with him that will put you prime time. Center stage for the outpouring of God's glory and that that what my favorite my favorite line in Psalm seventy-6 is you are radiant with light. When that glory comes you're going to be radiant with light. People will walk near you. They'll not only feel the presence of God. But they'll be a glow about you. It'll be you will be radiant. Radiant. That means better than any cosmetic could ever make you. Better than any plastic surgeon could ever make you. To be radiant with God means that you would be the most beautiful people on earth. And God going to distinguish those that know him from those that don't. Not so much by what they say with their mouth but you'll be able to see a believer. You'll be able to spot this radiance. People will be able to know that you're a believer without even opening your mouth. So I want to pray first of all that you have your own experiential knowledge of God. Your own. Not your parents. Not your grandparents. Not your pastors, not your rabbis, not your ministers, your own experiential knowledge of God. This is transcends religion. You can have religion and not have experiential knowledge with God and you can have experiential knowledge with God and be part of religion the key is having your own experience with God. I know how. Number one, you have to know that you can. Number two, you have to open the door. You open the door by saying this prayer, a simple prayer out loud and meaning it. Repeat this after me out loud. Dear God, I've made many mistakes for which I'm so sorry. I believe your precious blood washes away every mistake I've ever made. And now I'm clean. And now according to your word I'm righteous. And now that I'm clean and righteous Jesus come and live inside of me I make you my savior. You've saved me from all of my sins. But now I make you my Lord. And now two more steps. King David said, lift holy hands before God. Your hands are holy if you said that prayer. Yes. You are righteous. God says he doesn't remember. He has no remembrance of your mistakes. They were just literally erased from the book that has your name on it in heaven. So do what David said. Lift holy hands to God. Surrender. That's the universal sign of surrender when you lift your hands up. Stick them right? Surrender to God and I want you to say dear Jesus out loud. Dear Jesus, fill me from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes with your Holy Spirit and glory. Fill me, Lord. I love you Jesus. Thank you for giving me my own experiential knowledge of you. Amen. You said that and meant it. You don't have to tell me. Get ready to have the splendor and glory and light of God radiate from you. Amen. Love it. Amen. So powerful. Lot of concerning things there. Uh as far as talking about Israel. Where the United States stands. And so we're going to dig more into that. Um I think it was it's really important to say okay God where are we? You know we are right at Pentecost. So we've been praying 40 days of repentance since April the 8th the eclipse. Uh Pentecost is coming up this weekend. We're like okay God where are we and what's going to happen. Um I really believe the remnants repented. I don't know about leadership. So what does that look like? And I want to take you to Robin Bullock Robin D Bullock Church International May the 12th 2000 twenty-fourand 11th hour May the 14th 2000twenty-four he addresses as well what's going on in Israel but he goes a little bit more in depth of where he sees us prophetically and what November would look like if we have truly surrendered and we do support Israel check this out so today before Krista comes it'll shift gears again. And but I want you to listen to Isaiah chapter 40 says comfort you comfort you speak you comfortably to Jerusalem you need to underline that in your Bible to Jerusalem and cry unto her that her warfare is accomplished yes I want you to listen to the first part of that verse that her warfare is accomplished that her iniquity is pardoned for she had received of the lord's hand double for all her sins the voice of him that in the wilderness prepare you the way of the lord make straight in the desert a highway for our God every valley shall be exalted every mountain and hill shall be made low and the crooked shall be made straight and the rough place is plain and the glory of the lord shall be revealed in all flesh shall see it together for the mouth of the lord hath spoken it now I want you to notice this as you come on down here he keeps talking about Jerusalem verse nine oh Zion that bringeth bring us good things good tidings get thee up into the high mountain of Jerusalem that bring us good tidings lift up thy voice with strength lift it up be not afraid say unto the of Judah behold your God behold the lord God will come with strong hand and his arm shall rule for him behold his reward is with him and his work before him he shall feed his flock like a shepherd he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young who hath measured the water and the hollow of his hand and meet it out the heavens with a span and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure and the mountains and scales and the hills in a balance. Who hath directed the spirit of the lord of being his counselor hath taught him. With whom took he counsel and who instructed him and taught him in the path of judgement and taught him knowledge and showed to him the way of understanding. Behold the nations. He's dealing with nations. Behold the nations are as a drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the balance. Behold he take it up the aisles as a very little thing. And Lebanon is not sufficient to burn nor the beast thereof sufficient for a burn offering. All nations before him are as nothing and are are counted to him less than nothing. Now, I want you to listen to that. He starts talking about Jerusalem speaking comfortably to Jerusalem. Then, he starts talking about nations being put in a balance and the whole prophecy is about nations and it talks about people inside those nations in those balances and he said the nations are counted to him as nothing and less than nothing as a drop in speck of the in the bucket of but balance Israel is the balancing scales of the world however you treat Israel and Jerusalem is how the how you're treated among the nations as far as heaven is concerned and it notice it said here said behold the nations are as a drop of a bucket in the and counted as small dust in the balance all the nations are in the balance. Speak comfortable to Jerusalem. Speak comfortable to Jerusalem. Treat Israel with respect. Because all the nations are judged by it. Yes. Everything is judged by the way Israel is treated. We must speak comfortable to Israel. Israel is the balancing scales for the nations. Now, this is a word of the lord. Israel is the balancing scales for the nations, Isaiah forty. Now it has found itself as one man said in the heart of this election. It will be the weighing factor of the election. This nation came into being choosing. It is a nation of choice. Israel was created because God loves Israel. America was created because we loved God. America was created by choice of this nation to have a nation that was built on the Bible a nation that has Jesus the Christ as its heart a nation that only recognizes one king and that's God almighty and his son Jesus the Christ any other king is an abomination to America including a man or a party yes I said told you that Donald Trump won the election in twenty twenty. He is recognized in heaven as the rightful president. When this current administration turned on Israel, you saw the proof that heaven does not recognize it. It was taken from Obama just like Saul's kingdom was taken from him. The potential to be a great leader was forfeited and now this regime cannot win. Chasing David round and round the mountain will come to an end. Joy HW Bush lost the election when he tried to strong arm Israel. Yes. Remember that. Yes. There isn't any way to get away from Israel as the balancing scale of the nations. It is during the millennial it is that way during the millennial reign and it is that way right now. The tide shifted when they tried to make Ukraine the balancing scales and make Israel just another player in the nations. No. Israel is the balancing scales. There is no other. Donald Trump held a rally recently. There was around 100, 000 in attendance. Now, you tell me who heaven favors. Only the rightful leader could do that. He made Jerusalem the capital against all opposition. He held up the Bible as the standard of this nation. He now now he endorses the written page of the King James Bible and probably millions have gotten it. The Biden has embraced abortion which is a pagan practice of child sacrifice, transgender agenda. They made it clear they favor the Palestinian view. They tried to fix it where Hamas comes out with a victory over Israel in this war. Who does now you tell me who does heaven favor? If nothing that is current, nothing that is currently. If nothing changes, then there will be lockdowns by the end of November because there Has to be another rearrangement by withholding another rearrangement. Now, by withholding arms from Israel, Biden has put himself in the hand of the almighty for judgement. Only God could help him and that's the prophetic word the lord said to bring. This was given to me on Tuesday, May 9th 20 twenty-four. Says, What is the date today? Yeah, so it was on the ninth. I want to make sure I didn't write the wrong date here but it's May ninth 20twenty-four on a Tuesday. Uh the lord gave this to me. How do you shake your fist at Israel and you know I am on their side? Do you. Do what you know not to do. It is because you have another agenda. Your plans and your goals are not mine says the lord but I will flow fluidly with Israel but I will remember your lack of help says the lord. I will remember. For you seek to open the bottomless pit in New York, in Manhattan but my prophets will close it and it will be a thin line to be opened again in the future. Why did you do it America? Why? I love you and will deliver you. But the house of Saul, I would have established forever but not now. Now, my David will surely come but not like you think but come nonetheless. You owe judges and legal people against my David. You have set yourselves up for you are giddy with your teeth showing because you think who dared buck us? We are all powerful. We, we, we, I, says the lord, say you, you, you, for you individually, will answer for this, not just the establishment of evil. Evil is real and obnoxious. Why can't you rise above your animal desires. It is because you are part of an animal regime and You ask, yes. A beast. A beast. A beast of the east. For you have went after people with genitals like donkeys. You played the whore in the spirit against me and my Israel but I says the lord have sired a spiritual race of people who love me and love Israel and they are praying and prayers will be always trial for the lord your God is one God and the lord your God is one who is For all the world is against you at this moment. But the Lord said I am not. Your leader has called upon me and said I will fight for you so I shall and so shall the host of heaven for even now. As they speak of peace, there is a plot against you. But it's not coming from an enemy without but from a friend within but the lord said I will expose this trust only me says the lord trust only me for the nations you think you can trust are against thee trust only me until I change the guard you can trust again. Hero is right. The Lord your God is one. And the Lord your God never sleeps or slumbers. He watches you constantly. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, I am the God and father of the lord Jesus Christ of Ashiach. Yeshua. And I still hold Israel in the palm of my hand. For you are the apple of my eye and I have raised up those born again to prophesy on your behalf. I have raised up to make their breath the wind of the valley and of the dry bones. They are the wind that's prophesying. Be prophesied to to call those armies back together. Me oh Netanyahu for you are a prophet as well as a king You have the anointing of David upon you now. Stand strong for I will renew your youth and heal your I will heal your body of that thing. That you and I know. Stand strong. Stand strong for even now I have placed something for the IDF to discover one soldier will find it and it will be the key to something Know it says the Lord. Do not let Hashi dictate how you defend my land. Defend my land and I will give you more. We God is The as I was with him. For you are mine and my land. The the breath of God over Israel. Breathing life. Into dry bones. That's it. Make the sounds of the land for the land itself breathes The land itself breathes. And the harp of David is heard in the Galilee. From the hearts of the Golan. Casare Philippa. To the Dead Sea. Is a footprint of mine. Listen to the harp of David. In the Galilee. New springs, new life, new wells running down. Shut your mouth which the same spirit that deceived and drew Saul into her breast into her bosom you have come against my people again you have raised up your wicked to come against mine. Shut your mouth the almighty says. Lest you find no tongue or teeth to speak. For Israel is on the line. And I've raised up the church to prophesy. Wow. Okay, there's so much in that. I was I was listening to it. I just kept thinking I cannot wait to watch this with David talk about it because wow. Powerful. Okay. So, what we were seeing from Sid Roth was he was reading like this is what happens when you come against Israel. This is what happens and then prophetically hearing what God had to say about where our country is and who is in power. Uh it was interesting where he said talking about Saul's kingdom taken from Obama. We're going to hear more about that from Amanda Grace here in just a second. Um now, my David shall come not like you think. That is very exciting to hear. Biden has put himself in the almighty's hand for judgement because of what he has done to Israel. So now it's a judgement against Biden because of what he's done with that. We're going to also hear more from Amanda Grace about change that is coming. She's going to be talking about changing of the guard. We're going to hear more about Ben which is one of the things that she talks about Benjamin Netanyahu. So she addresses that as well as other things. Um and then we're also going to be hearing about the witch with Saul. So those things are going to come up again with a prophetic word that Amanda Grace is going to talk about from May the 13th 2000 twenty-four. She had a show that was called When Ben Stops Judah begins a major changing of the guard in the Earth. Check this out. So let's get the up. Now, if some of you didn't see, I know some of you saw but we put out a short on all our platforms, a short video talking about when Benjamin Stops when the reign of Benjamin Stops, Judah begins and talking about what happened with Big Ben in London. Well, I'm going to expound on that today. So, because we have to talk about this changing of the guard. So, the first full day of Passover, April twenty-fourth 20 twenty-four2 things happened. At the same time in England. You had horses from the household Calvary completely throw their riders during a routine military exercise break loose and go tearing through the streets of London. Okay so we have this that happened right? Okay. Uh the White Horse she's in critical condition but she's going to be okay apparently. Her name is Vida. The black horse's name is Quaker. We'll say why that's significant in a moment. As this happens. Our total of five horses break loose, okay? At the same time this happens, Big Ben, their huge clock in London freezes at 9 AM. First day of Passover. So we have the article for that from the Daily Mail. Daily Mail UK. And so we'll put it up here in a moment. Big Ben hand freeze at 9 AM for more than an hour before famous clock sounds. The wrong number of bombs in major malfunction two years after it was refurbished. Okay and it says Big Ben's clock stopped for more than an hour today leaving Westminster sluts baffled. The timepiece in the structure was frozen at 9 AM until 10 AM. Before its hand were seen being moved forward to display the correct time. A House of Common spokesman admitted that the dials on what is formally known as the Great Clock of Wedsminster were temporarily displaying the incorrect time before the issue was rectified the hourly strikes of the bells were also paused and will resume at midday. They too reportedly malfunctioned by performing 11 chimes at 10oh 6 AM The quirk has occurred despite the fact that the clock tower and bells were refurbished in twenty twenty-two. Okay. Now what happened when this happened is social media went a little wild and joked it is the end of days. Now, they're not far off when you seek crazy things like this happen but after talking with a pastor friend of mine, we realized when Benjamin stops, when Ben stops, Judah begins. Now, what does that mean? We're going to get into this. So, we understand what this means for the Earth right now. So, Benjamin in Genesis thirty-five, Benjamin is born. His mother dies in childbirth. Jacob names him son of my right hand. Benjamin means son of my right hand. So it's the symbol of strength. Okay? So if you look at Big Ben the symbol of strength stops. Think about that way. King Saul was a Benjamite. He was from the tribe of Benjamin. And we see in first Samuel chapter eight verses four through nine then all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Rama and said to him look have grown old and your sons do not walk in your ways now appoint us a king to judge us like all the other nations like all the other pagan nations but their demand displeased Samuel when they said give us a king to judge and rule over us so Samuel prayed to the lord and the lord said to Samuel listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you for they have not rejected you but they have rejected me from being king over them like all the which they have done since the day that I brought them up from Egypt even to this day. Now that's interesting the way this is being said because this goes back to Egypt and Passover. In that they have abandoned me and served other Gods so they are doing to you also. So now listen to their voice only solemnly warned them and tell them the ways of the king who will reign over them which would be Saul. So Saul comes as a rejection of God by Israel. Israel rejects God. Out of that rejection, Saul comes. Samuel warns the people what the coming king was going to do to them and it wasn't going to be pleasant and they still said in their defiance, give us this king. So, Saul's rule comes as a rejection of the from of by the people of God's ways, okay? Saul continues to become corrupted. So, during his kingship, he continues to become more and more corrupted. He starts losing his mind, he becomes rageful and delusional and even in at complete odds with his son Jonathan. So the king that's losing his mind now is at complete odds with his son. Does this sound familiar? Because we see this right now in the United States leadership and we see this in England and the royal family right now. Then Samuel then Saul seeks to completely destroy David. So then David is from the tribe of Judah, right? David is anointed king by Samuel on a secret mission that God sent Samuel to anoint a new king because Saul is now rejected by God. David happens to be from the tribe of Judah. He served in Saul's court, okay? Saul sought to completely destroy David because he knew David was anointed from this from all of this. We get to first Samuel chapter thirty-one. We see Saul's complete demise after the Lord completely left him after he tried to run a campaign of disinformation and propaganda in the kingdom against David and tried to destroy David and then he seeks out the witch of Endor to call up a dead Samuel because God would not answer him and his enemies were closing in. When Ben stops, when Benjamin stops, Judah begins its reign, okay? So, when Benjamin stops, Judah begins. When Saul from the tribe of Benjamin, David and David from the tribe of Judah began his 40-year reign as king. Now, Big Ben stops at 9 AM the first day of Passover, April twenty-fourth 20 twenty-four. 9 AM, Passover. The ninth plague on Egypt during that time was darkness. It was dark for 3 days, okay? However, if we look at it this way, another way, April is the fourth month. April is the fourth month on the calendar. So, 4twenty-four 20 twenty-four. If you add four twenty-four, 20, and twenty-four, you get seventy-two. Why is this significant? Well, what happened in nineteen seventy-two? You have two very important things that happened that we have to keep an eye on right now. You add the Watergate scandal. Totally break loose where Nixon, President Nixon ends up having to resign, right? And then, in the 9th month, remember, Ben stops on the number nine. In the 9th month, September of 1972 is was called the Munich Massacre and 11 Israeli athletes are murdered after eight members of Arab terrorist groups it's a terrorist group that was called Black September invaded the Olympic village so that same year there is a massacre at the Olympics guess what's coming this year this summer the summer Olympics in France which is part of the European Union or part of Europe so This is something to watch right now is is as well as the Olympics with what is going on in the world and with Israel, I would keep a close eye on what happens with them and their opening ceremony. I would keep a very close eye on this right now. Okay. However, okay, back to when Ben stops Judah begins. Okay. Netanyahu's first name is Benjamin. His first name is Benjamin. So keep an eye on Israeli elections also but this happens in England okay so Ben stops in England where the royal family has been plagued with issues okay and we sort of see this unraveling and being on the precipice the precipice of the points of the crown of England being Completely rearranged and shuffled. Now, so you have that in England. In the United States, right? As this is all happening Biden who is a Saul has completely lost his mind. Has completely lost his mind. He is a form of a soul. And that's why oh that's little Sonny the Sparrow. He's out too now. But that's why Donald Trump has to be careful. Because he could become a Saul real fast. He could turn to a Saul. If he's not careful. This is why he's gotta be so careful and truly submit to the Lord. Okay. So when Ben stops, the reign of Judah begins. And I'm not saying he is a Saul. I'm saying people that go through certain things and fight to submit could end up becoming Saul's if they do not completely submit to the Lord. Okay. So Benjamin stops. When Benjamin stops the reign of Benjamin stops, the reign of Judah begins. This is signaling a major changing of the guard throughout the that we are about to see unfold and at the same time Ben stops the horses from the household Calvary break loose and multiple are injured so as the clock stops the horses are unleashed okay so it's like opposite events handing happening in tandem you have a stopping and you have an unleashing now The horses that were in the photo that we showed you. The black one is named Quaker and the whitish gray one is named Vida. Now, Quaker means to tremble, Vida means life. Them running together, the meaning of their names is life is to tremble. Life is to tremble. Or life will tremble. Okay, so just keep that in mind. These things happening are not random. They're not and in fact, oh there's grace on the floor right there. In fact, in the prophetic, we are supposed to be able to in the office spot these cycles, events, patterns and be pointing them out to the people and not just be spoon feeding them words every day. Because like the sons of Issachar, we have to be able to determine the times and the seasons, the sons of Issachar had a gift and they were able to deter to discern the times and the seasons and so, when these things happen, it is by no accident. There is a very active spiritual realm, there is a war between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness and what happens is it spills over into natural and sometimes the lord will allow things even to happen to point out something very significant that is about to occur and that clock stopping the first day of Passover while these horses are breaking loose and the clock is big Ben when Benjamin stops when Ben stops the rain of Judah begins right and it stops at 9 AM and the ninth plague over Egypt was darkness this is Pointing at a very very significant changing of the guard that not only is set to occur in England but is set to occur throughout the Earth. And we are getting very close to in this hour this happening. Hi. Hi. We're getting very close to this happening in this hour. And so we have to be watchmen and we have to be watchmen on the wall. And we have to be watching for these things to happen. Uh be because this is not randomness and we are about to see this occur in the Earth and we are about to see this very serious changing of the guard. You going to come up? No? Very serious changing of the guard occur in the Earth and these horses breaking loose at the same time from the household Calvary which is part right I believe it's part somehow of the royal family or the royal guard or the royal something there they are that happening is by no accident because it connects it all back to the royal family right Saul was from the of Benjamin. Saul became at odds with his son Jonathan. Jonathan and Saul were at odds over who was to take the crown. Saul did not want David to take the crown. Jonathan knew David was anointed to take the crown. And therefore they went at odds with each other and David was like a brother to Jonathan. And so we see a very similar triangular event forming right now in England with the royal family and then on top of it we see a similar triangular sort of situation forming with the President of the United States and his family. And then on top of that we have Benjamin Netanyahu the current leader of Israel and what's forming in Israel right now this situation shaping up given the I believer going into Rapha now to try to clear out Hamas and he's the leader right now but Ben stopping is signaling a very serious changing of the guard in the earth. So I would watch also right now Israel in their elections. Now the law Lord is yoking that Yahoo to finish a job. Okay? He is yoking him to finish a job. Netanyahu has a job to do. The Lord is yoking him to do that job because once oxen are yoked they are more easy to control and steer in the direction you need them to go and they become very effective than what they do. However, that is a signal to watch Israel in this time too. From now till the end of the year, I'm talking about the changing of the guard, right? From now until the end of the year. We are also in this fifty-day window that started on Passover that goes all the way to Shavot where the Jews were given the law at Mount Sinai which I believe is around June eleventh. 50 is the jubilee. Right? Jubilee is when captives are set free. Land that was taken is restored back to the people. It takes seven smitas for a jubilee to occur. And so, Ashmita is seven years just just to give you you know point of reference some facts here okay so we're going to go back to that whole thing with freedom I wanted to keep that last part there because I felt it was very significant with what she was saying about the 50 days and the Jubilee meaning freedom and if you

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